Bloody battle in the wild (10): Plan

After telling Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize' the stunning mission world background, Feng Konghao laughed at himself and revealed his selfishness:

"As for the closure of the city that allows entry and exit, I decided it myself, I hate it! I want revenge!

On the one hand, I invited spirit-hunting warriors to come to Ping'An City. They killed so many undead. Why not stay in Ping'An City and 'welcome' the undead to land together?

On the other hand, no one is allowed to go out of the city. It is really difficult for me to find out all the people who bullied my wife and children six years ago, so I will not look for them, and let everyone be buried together! "

Feng Konghao's eyes were ruthless, and his tone was mocking. After he finished telling the whole story, he suddenly felt discouraged. In the past few years, huge hatred had supported him to survive. He had carried it on his own for a long time, and even if he was forced to reveal it, it made him feel more relaxed and less stressed.

With a long sigh, Feng Konghao finally wailed and asked:

"I have finished what I have to say. The two of you are very keen in observation and strong in strength. If you can come to my door, if you want to kill me, you can just kill me, but I beg the two of you! Please don't change the things in my mansion. layout!

During the full moon tribulation, the undead will return home by instinct. With this, the undead of my wife and children can find their home more easily. And even if I die, I can still find a home. We are a family of four, and there is a possibility of reunion… "

"Don't worry, if what you said is true, we will not move these arrangements."

Although he was still struggling, Xia Ruize felt that at least this small request could be fulfilled first.

Feng Konghao felt relieved in his heart, and in turn reassured him:

"If the two of you are worried that your home city will be affected, there is no need. I have agreed with the undead that they will only occupy Ping'An city and will not continue to penetrate the land. If the two of you still have a trace of the truth about history, you can leave Ping'An City alone."

This time, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian did not reply for a long time after hearing the words. The two seemed to be silent, but in fact they were constantly communicating in their hearts. They were too shocked, and their mood was particularly tangled.

"If what he said is true, wouldn't this be a big reversal of the script? So, what do we do?"

Xia Ruize tapped his temple with his finger. This was the first time they encountered a task with such a complicated background.

They had previously believed that the evil spirit was the "evil" party, and the city owner was the representative of "evil", but now it told them that what they thought before might be wrong.

But were humans the "evil" side? Not all, today's human beings were also blinded by history, those who didn´t know were innocent, and even today's spirit hunting warriors were mostly unaware.

Did all the humans in Ping'An City deserve to die? Not all, the vast majority of city residents were innocent, but they would be implicated…

Even the always resolute Cheng Huaiqian hesitated. To be honest, after listening to Feng Konghao's remarks, his first reaction was to put aside the mess of Ping'An City and leave it alone. What if Ping'An City was destroyed? They only needed to survive for fifteen days, but reason told him that this choice was not so "just".

But forcing the two of them to sanction the city lord and block the city lord's plan was not in line with their wishes.

After all, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were not natives of the world of this mission, and they had not received education here. During the six days they came here, they had no feelings for the natives of Ping'An City, nor were they so resistant to evil spirits. After all, they had not been attacked badly by evil spirits so far, and they even patronized to collect spirit stones.

So much so that now they heard that Ping'An City was about to be destroyed, but they didn't have much discomfort and urgency in their hearts, and they had the idea of ​​​​looking from the sidelines when it was destroyed.

Seeing the two villains who broke into the bedroom were silent for a long time, Feng Konghao seemed to have noticed something, and his heart was beating fast, he really didn't want to die, the plan was not completed, he couldn't die yet, he had to see his wife´s and children´s undead return with his own eyes to be at ease.

"Will everyone who stayed in Ping'An City die?"

After discussing with heart net for a long time, Xia Ruize asked Feng Konghao.

Feng Konghao was silent for a moment, then confessed:

"Actually, I don't know. When I discussed with the undead, they only wanted this place in Ping'An City, and I forcibly left everyone behind.

In fact, the undead won't get any benefit by killing humans, but the hostility has lasted for nearly two hundred years. I proposed to let the people of Ping'An City be buried with them, and they did not refuse.

Of course, after the chaos, no one would be guarding the city wall, and there must be a lot of people who can escape. "

"Why do people who go out of the city become irritable after they come back?"

Cheng Huaiqian was more curious about this.

"It should be because an undead king or an undead emperor floated to the surface of the Evil Sea near Ping'An City and was close to the land.

According to historical records, mutant insects are inherently cruel, they only know violence and killing, and if you fight with them for a long time, you will be affected by their negative emotions, so they dare not leave the seabed.

Because they have been guarding the ground seam for too long, they also have a similar aura on their bodies. When they are close to the mainland and humans, they will affect the nearby humans and make the negative emotions of humans more prominent.

Of course, it only amplifies negative emotions, not people lose their minds. Therefore, conflicts will break out because of inherent contradictions. "

Feng Konghao answered patiently, this was what he learned from the high-level undead deep under the sea. They had already discussed it. In order to cooperate with the plan of this year's full moon tribulation, the high-level undead would deliberately rise to the sea in turn, affecting the human of city of Ping An.

"Will the undead 'die' again?"

After thinking about it, Xia Ruize asked another question, was it possible to become an undead without dying?

Feng Konghao nodded, "Yes, human beings turn into undead after death, which is another form of life. Low-level undead will gradually dissipate after drifting for decades. Middle-level undead can float for about a hundred years, and high-level undead can be maintained for hundreds of years.

As for the Undead King and Undead Emperor, unless they die in battle, they can last for nearly two hundred years or more and will not dissipate. At least the undead emperor from more than 200 years ago is still alive. "

"Then why don't humans wait for the undead to dissipate naturally before collecting spirit stones?"

As soon as he finished the question, Xia Ruize knew the answer himself. He knew that if he killed the undead, he could immediately obtain the spirit stone, and by dissolving the spirit power in it, he could strengthen himself. Who would be patient to wait for decades?

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize looked at each other, and after discussing for a while, Cheng Huaiqian asked, "How do you prove that what you said is true?"

Feng Konghao was stunned for a while, looked at Cheng Huaiqian and then at Xia Ruize, and finally replied:

"As for the part of history, I have collected a lot of historical evidence over the years, but you can also go to the imperial city and the bookstores in various places to find ancient books and materials. Books written earlier will inevitably reveal a few words.

In fact, there were human beings who realized that this was inappropriate and did everything possible to keep some flaws. Therefore, if you check carefully, you can actually find out the truth.

As for the part of me trading with the undead, only myself and the high-level undead with spiritual intelligence in the sea can prove it, and there is no evidence. "

Seeing the silence of the two, Feng Konghao suddenly pleaded again:

"You two, in fact, I'm not afraid of death. When I die, I will turn into an undead, but I can't die now! I have to watch this transaction complete and watch my relatives regain their sanity, otherwise everything I do will be meaningless."

"What if the undead lied to you?" Xia Ruize asked rhetorically, "Do you actually want to use Ping'An City as a stepping stone to counterattack the mainland?"

"Ha, what does that have to do with me?" Feng Konghao didn't hide his thoughts, "This Ping'An City was originally the fief of my Feng family, I am willing to give it to the undead, and I have the right to deal with it. As for those people death, the more undead, the more you get, isn't it good?"

The accidental death of his dearest person made Feng Konghao extremely paranoid. He didn't care about the lives of the city's citizens, and even asked the citizens of Ping'An City to stay and be buried with him. This was true for the people who he had protected him for decades, and for other cities´ humans, if course he didn't care.

This time, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian discussed for a longer time, and in Feng Konghao's anxiety, they finally reached an agreement, and then Xia Ruize persuaded:

"If you give Ping'An City to the undead in private like this, people in other cities will not know the truth and will only think that Ping'An City was captured by the undead, and from now on there will be a steady stream of spirit-hunting warriors to disturb the peace of the undead in this city.

At that time, you and your relatives will become undead, but you may not have a peaceful life. You could even be accidentally killed by humans before you become a high-level undead, then everything you think will be completely impossible."

Xia Ruize's words made Feng Konghao's eyes blood red. Xia Ruize was poking at the deepest worry in his heart. The reason why he didn't dare to die was because he must wait until his wife and children regained their sanity before committing suicide and turning into an undead to follow in the footsteps of his wife and children.

If he died before his wife and children regained their sanity, and the undead transformed by his wife and children were also killed by humans, then it would be nothing.

"We have an idea; you can listen to it and see how it goes." Looking at each other, Cheng Huaiqian introduced:

"Since you have found out the truth of history, it is better to make it public, and then publish the news that you are going to give Ping'An to the undead, and invite humans who are willing to live with the undead to come to the city and build a city of peace. Become a city where humans and the undead coexist peacefully, so that you don't have to die, and you and your loved ones can continue to live in Ping'An."

Cheng Huaiqian's voice was calm, but what he said made Feng Konghao stunned, his eyes widened, and he pointed at Cheng Huaiqian, "You…you…" He hesitated for a long time but couldn't say a complete sentence.

The first reaction in Feng Konghao's heart was absurd. He had never thought of the idea of ​​peaceful coexistence between humans and the undead. Even the undead with higher intelligence did not dare to continue to coexist peacefully with humans. They just wanted to be a city. Thinking, on the future, when the moon was full, the undead who couldn't control and wanted to go home could all return to Ping'An City.

But Cheng Huaiqian's suggestion made him see another way.

"City Lord Feng also said just now, if we leave Ping'An City with the truth of history in mind, in fact, we were almost persuaded. After thinking about it, there are so many human beings, and there are always people who feel guilty after learning the truth of history, then give them the opportunity to make up for it and come to live in Ping'An City.

And according to what you said, the reason why the undead come to the city when the moon is full is that they want to go home and reunite with their relatives. There are always people who will want to have a family reunion, then let them also come to live in Ping'An City.

In a word, you have publicly revealed the historical truth you have discovered. If the citizens of Ping'An City are afraid, let them leave on their own. If they want to stay, they will continue to stay. If people in other cities want to come, they will accept it. You can guard the city alone.

At least, once the truth is made public, no one would have the nerve to come to Ping'An City in an upright manner to make trouble, right? Even if your family is reunited, you can have peace, don't you think? "

Xia Ruize tried to persuade Feng Konghao with the plan he and Cheng Huaiqian negotiated.

This time, it was Feng Konghao's turn to be stunned, staring blankly at the darkness ahead, the originally dull eyes inexplicably brightened, and he kept mumbling, "Is this still possible? Can this be done?…"