Dire Waters (1): Cooperation

Cheng Huaiqian was in a very good mood after solving the key problems he had been thinking about for a long time. The two negotiated in the corner of the main temple while purchasing new abilities and replenishing inventory.

Cheng Huaiqian bought a bloodline [Blood Viscount] that focuses on both attack and defense.

The powerful vitality of the blood clan was reflected in the fact that unless it was beheaded or hit in the heart, it could quickly recover from the injury by relying on its powerful recovery ability.

Affected by Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian also paid attention to defense in addition to the attack. Both the blood clan and the demon clan belonged to the bloodline of the dark side, and they were compatible with each other.

Cheng Huaiqian's [Blood Viscount] bloodline was more expensive than Xia Ruize's [Superman Xiaoqiang] bloodline. First, the price had risen by 10% because of the promotion, and the main reason was that [Superman Xiaoqiang] was a purely defensive bloodline, while [Blood Viscount] in addition to defense, it would give the user more bonuses in terms of combat power.

Xia Ruize also added a new bloodline, which was different from his previous focus on spiritual strength. This time, he purchased a technology-side bloodline [Bomb Superman] that focuses purely on attack bombs.

The manufactured bombs were not ordinary bombs, but powerful bombs with special effects. Xia Ruize made up his mind that if he encountered an enemy he couldn't solve in the future, he would use bombs to kill it.

After becoming teammates recognized by the Lord God, the two could purchase the Lord God's practice auxiliary services at the same time, and in the various battle environments simulated by the Lord God, they could practice their abilities while practicing cooperative combat.

In the space of the Lord god, they could challenge ultra-difficult battles and explore the limits of their abilities.

In addition, their private rooms were also combined into one, becoming a one-bedroom, two-hall suite. The two of them re-divided the functional areas by themselves, leaving only a small bedroom and other large public areas were used to practice cooperation.

In the end, when Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian left the endless world, they each brought out two accessories made of high-level spirit stones.

After ascending to the bamboo silk area, the items they obtained in the endless world could be brought to the real world at a certain price.

For example, the price of a high-level spirit stone in the lord god store was 800 survival points, and now they only needed to spend one-tenth of that, which was 80 survival points, to bring it back to reality.

The two opened their eyes in reality and looked at the high-level spiritual stone that really appeared in their hands, feeling a little complicated.

Now that items could be brought back to the real world, could the abilities of future trialers also be brought back to the real world? That meant there were dangers in the real world too.

After thinking for a while, the two just took the matter to heart and did not continue to worry.

The high-level spiritual stone accessories they took away from the last mission world were meant to be worn by their parents.

Even if the parents didn't know how to transform the spirit, as long as the spirit stone was worn close to the body for a long time, the physical fitness would gradually increase, which was good for the body and was suitable for parents to use.

For this reason, Xia Ruize made a special trip back to Jiu'an and gave two necklace-shaped high-level spiritual stones to Father Xia and Mother Fang respectively.

Fang's mother liked the accessories that her son gave, and immediately put them on according to her son's request. The more she looked in the mirror, the happier she became.

Father Xia was very embarrassed and refused to wear the necklace. Xia Ruize tried to persuade him to no avail. He was about to consider changing to other accessories, but the next day, Mother Fang secretly informed her son that he took out the necklace his son had given him and put it on his neck.

Xia Ruize finally felt relieved and stayed at home with his parents for more than a week.

He and Cheng Huaiqian's second mission world was at the end of August, and the third mission world was at the beginning of September. In addition to the temporary increase of the promotion mission due to the fixed time, they could get at least one and a half months of rest time.

Xia Ruize was comfortable at home, but Cheng Huaiqian, who was caught up in work alone, was saddened. His once exciting career now seemed boring. He was determined to find a suitable manager for himself to take care of the company. In the future, he would only need to check on major events, and usually take rest as the main thing.

A week later, Xia Ruize, who was begged by Cheng Huaiqian to return to the Magic Capital, continued to play the role of assistant, and was responsible for helping Cheng Huaiqian call subordinates in various departments and read countless materials every day.

Whenever someone entered or left Cheng Huaiqian's office and saw Assistant Xiao Xia's serious expression, they would think that Assistant Xiao Xia was dealing with some important business, but in fact Xia Ruize may be looking at the take-off principle of the propeller.

Of course, Xia Ruize's good days were not without interruption. For example, when he heard the faint noise outside the office, he frowned slightly, and the next second, Cheng Huaiqian's office was suddenly forcibly pushed open, and the people came frantically.

"Cheng! Huai! qian!"

The person who came was a middle-aged man, and there were a series of middle-aged men and women behind him. After rushing into the office, they rushed towards Cheng Huaiqian's desk aggressively.

Xia Ruize's eyes swept and saw that several assistants on the outside were blocked. He stood up instantly, and turned around and blocked the front of the middle-aged man at the front.

"Speak well if you have something to say."

Xia Ruize stretched out an arm to block the person, like an insurmountable mountain. No matter how the middle-aged man pushed, he didn't push Xia Ruize's figure several times, but he was blocked outside and could not get close.

"You, you, good you, Cheng Huaiqian, is this how you treat your elders?"

The middle-aged man who couldn't get past Xia Ruize became angry and yelled at Cheng Huaiqian.

Cheng Huaiqian also saw the person coming, got up and walked around the desk, took three long legs and two steps over Xia Ruize, stretched out his hand and pushed hard, the middle-aged man couldn't help staggering back a few steps, did not stand still and fell to the ground.

This sudden change made the middle-aged man and the group of people behind him completely unacceptable, and they all pointed at Cheng Huaiqian and shouted, how dare the little bastard dare to do it?

Cheng Huaiqian took another two steps forward, silently keeping Xia Ruize behind, and said coldly at the person who rushed to his office looking for trouble with an impatient expression:

"If you are smart, just take the family dividends and live peacefully. If you are not smart and annoy me, I will not let you do what you want to do."

"You selfish cold-blooded ghost! I think you've forgotten your surname Cheng! How could you be so cruel to your relatives?!"

The middle-aged woman with delicate makeup pointed angrily at Cheng Huaiqian, her eyes wishing to spurt blood.

"If I remember correctly, your son is running a company recently, but there seems to be something wrong with the funding. His competitors should be happy to hear the news."

Cheng Huaiqian raised the corner of his mouth and threatened in a leisurely manner. Then, he threatened several middle-aged men and women who rushed to the office one by one, specifically selecting the industries they were most concerned about. Cheng Huaiqian's attitude was arrogant, and the people on the opposite side were very angry, and their eyes were red with anger.

"Sure enough, you did it! Have you dealt with your own family like this!"

Several people were very angry, and they said why their respective businesses always had problems recently. If they hadn't found out that the other party also had problems, they would not have suspected Cheng Huaiqian's head together. It was Cheng Huaiqian's potential sabotage!

"Isn't this what you taught me, I'm just eager to learn."

Cheng Huaiqian waved at the security guard who called up, and motioned to take everyone out of the office.

As soon as Cheng Huaiqian's words fell, the people who came to make trouble immediately froze for a moment, and gave each other a few winks in secret. They calculated that the actions against Cheng Huaiqian's father and son were very concealed. This kid shouldn't know something, right?

Unfortunately, after Cheng Huaiqian's order, the security guard simply looked at one of them neatly, and asked the person out of Cheng Huaiqian's office, ready to send them out of the building.

Who would have thought that these Cheng family members, who were Cheng Huaiqian's uncles and aunts, would break into their nephew's office to make a scene? If they failed to intercept them in advance, they may be punished, but the security guards dare not relax.

A few middle-aged men and women who rushed in and made a scene were "invited" out with ugly faces. There was no way, they weren't really shrews, they still wanted face, and they were unwilling to shove people by themselves.

They believe in being able to speak without doing anything, and even if they do, they couldn't get their hands dirty. After this test, they knew that Cheng Huaiqian's secret sabotage caused the successive incidents in their industries. Retreat and discuss countermeasures after returning.

"Humph! doesn't he just occupy a position of direct descendant? otherwise there is no room for him to be mad?"

"It's a pity, that selfish ghost is not really dead!"

"Don't talk nonsense! I wonder if he found something? Let's go back and plan well."

Several middle-aged people complained a few words at random and left in their cars.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Cheng Huaiqian looked at the car they were leaving, and moved his fingers. If it wasn't for this to be a peaceful world, he really wanted to do it himself.

But he was not in a hurry, he had the time and energy to fight against them personally, didn't they want the Cheng family's property? He made them not get a single point, and he wanted all the industries in their hands to fall!

Before his accident, Cheng Huaiqian only took back the shares of Cheng's Group in their hands because the two sides still had a trace of blood relationship, and did not touch their family welfare. Who would have thought that they would kill him?

The feud of life and death will not simply pass.

Xia Ruize stood beside his lover and took the initiative to put his hand on Cheng Huaiqian's shoulder. Cheng Huaiqian, who was half a head taller than Xia Ruize, stretched out his arms and took Xia Ruize into his arms. The two looked side by side at the traffic below.

"Don't worry, I won't be impatient, I will take it one step at a time, steadily and steadily, to destroy everything they have."

Cheng Huaiqian put his chin on his lover's shoulder and said softly, not only for Xia Ruize, but also for himself.

"I'll accompany you."

Xia Ruize simply replied three words, not just talking, he really did it, Xia Ruize sitting in the office no longer concentrated on reading various materials, but began to really take over the work of helping Cheng Huaiqian.

Cheng Huaiqian was happy to teach his lover a little bit. Shopping malls were like battlefields, and they had something in common to a certain extent. Being able to fight and win business battles was also a kind of ability improvement.

The two of them did not hurry and plan carefully, and successively attacked Cheng Huaiqian's uncles and aunts who were not recognized by him.

If any illegal clues were involved, the evidence shall be submitted to the authorities for processing. If there was no illegal, it was to crush them with commercial strength.

All of a sudden, every company owned by the Cheng family's collateral went bankrupt, and the industries in their hands had their own problems. The fights between the Cheng family members were already an open secret in the upper levels of the magic capital.

When he was busy with all his heart, time passed quickly. Xia Ruize grew rapidly under the guidance of Cheng Huaiqian. Every day, the two of them went in and out together, not only working together, but also exercising and discussing together during breaks.

It wasn't until the two people who were swimming in their own pool one night suddenly received a reminder that the mission was about to start in half an hour, and they suddenly realized that more than two months had passed since the last mission's world time.

The mission in the Bamboo silk area would be reminded before the mission started, which was a very practical function. The two immediately packed themselves. According to the reminder, this task was in the modern world, so they each wore a set of casual sportswear and lay on the bed.

At the end of the countdown, the two holding hands looked at each other and smiled, and the next second, their eyes darkened.

Xia Ruize felt his body suddenly rush forward. He opened his eyes immediately and found himself sitting on a bus. The bus braked suddenly, flashing all the passengers on the bus, and the passengers complained dissatisfiedly.

"It's here, it's here! Get off, get off!"

The driver said loudly and carelessly, suppressing all the complaints from the car.

The seat next to Xia Ruize was not Cheng Huaiqian. He looked around casually, but he didn't see Cheng Huaiqian's figure. He couldn't help but use the space backtrack ability. In an instant, he found Cheng Huaiqian standing in front of the newsstand diagonally across the road.

Xia Ruize was overjoyed, and followed the other passengers off the bus calmly.

Outside the bus was a ramp that sloped down, which was very lively. There were various vendors on both sides of the road, attracting many customers to stop and browse.

The bus parked in the parking lot beside the road, and when he got off the bus, the surrounding noise completely dragged people into the excitement.