Dire Waters (3): Celebrate

Of course, even if the distress message could be sent out, it would be difficult to carry out rescue when the whole city was submerged.

Some people were separated from their relatives and friends under the sudden impact of the water waves. At this time, they calmed down a little and were busy looking for people around.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were vigilantly observing the movements around them. They always felt that the successive trials were not over, and what they encountered was only appetizers.

Facts proved that their hunch was correct. After hundreds of wooden oars flowed along the current, something new flowed down from the upper reaches of the north side. From a distance, it looked like a piece of wood. After Xia Ruize carefully observed it with his mental power, he finally recognized that it was not an ordinary wooden board, it seemed to be a small boat?

Cheng Huaiqian swam to the middle of the water again, dragged a wooden board and swam back to the shore, and Da Hu followed his movements and dragged it back, and when they looked closely, they realized that it was a one-meter board. The long wooden board has two depressions in the front and rear, as if it was for people to sit on. Apart from being able to float on the water, it had no appearance of a boat.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian cooperated tacitly. Xia Ruize first supported the plank, Cheng Huaiqian rolled over and climbed up, sat in the depression in front, and tried to paddle with two wooden oars.

To the surprise of the two, the difficulty of paddling was much lower than swimming, and the speed of advancing in the water by relying on the plank and wood oars was much faster than swimming.

The two looked at each other and seemed to understand something.

Next, Cheng Huaiqian used a wooden paddle from time to time to keep the board from being swept away by the current, so that Xia Ruize could also climb on the board.

Unfortunately, the plank was really narrow and short, and the whole plank overturned with just a little effort. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who had fallen into the water, emerged from the water, and hurriedly chased back the plank and oar that had been washed away by the current.

After the embarrassed two looked at each other, they couldn't help laughing, exchanged a few words, and tried again.

This time, Cheng Huaiqian protected Xia Ruize to climb up first. Xia Ruize leaned on the wooden oar to maintain the balance of the plank. Cheng Huaiqian tried to turn over and climb up again. Who would have thought that the balance of the plank would be very difficult to maintain, and the two fell into the water together again.

This time, the people around who were following their movements couldn't help but laugh.

However, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian found that the second time they mastered the plank higher than the previous time, so the two tried to climb the plank for the third time without being discouraged… It was not until the fifth time that they finally sat on the small board at the same time. On the plank, they tried to push the board forward with the paddle.

After Da Hu and the Xiao Hu laughed, they also began to try to climb the board. As expected, the board turned over and over again and again.

The other people who fell into the water around them all paid attention to their performance, from the initial laughter to the envy later.

The body below the chest was immersed in water for a long time, the pressure of the water was pressing from all directions, and the breathing was not smooth. Many people began to breathe quickly and still feel a sense of oppression in the chest.

Although it was only a small wooden board, it was better to be able to sit on the wooden board than to continue to soak in water.

This time, the others also began to try to pick up the plank and then try to roll over and climb up.

After trying it for themselves, they realized how difficult it was to control the balance of the plank. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian tried five times and then climbed up. The others had tried more than ten times and couldn't both climb the plank at the same time.

At this time, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were already paddling the planks upstream. They wanted to see what was going on upstream, that kept flowing the wooden paddles and planks downstream.

Surprisingly, after Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian passed the ramp on the left, Cheng Huaiqian, who was sitting in front, saw a "starting line" in the water ahead.

The bottom of the water was the previous asphalt road. The two big white words of "starting line" were brushed on the road, and they came into view through the water.

"Boat race?"

Xia Ruize tilted his head and saw the two big words. The first thing that came to his mind was a game, and then he thought of the mission reminder. Could this be a "celebration event"? Let everyone turn into players to celebrate?

"Xuuuuu!" At this moment, several loud noises resounded through the sky, and all those who fell into the water couldn't help but look up at the sky, only to see a few fireworks inexplicably rushing into the sky, bursting a few lines of words high in the sky:

"2333 Annual Zhuoyuan City Tourism Festival celebrates the first day of the carnival: Thousands of Ke´s striving for flow!1"

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were silent, guessing that it might be because they touched the starting line and started a strange celebration.

The two turned their heads to look at the dazed people behind them, briefly discussed a few words, and without any hesitation, they rowed the wooden oar in unison and continued to move forward.

The drowning people who saw the fireworks prompt from the rear came to their senses and tried to climb on the plank and paddle forward more and more eagerly.

Some friends and relatives who were familiar with each other really couldn't grasp the balance. There was no way for the two of them to be on the same board. They simply put on a board and rush forward.

Although it was not clear what the hell Zhuoyuan City was doing, it was always right to compete for the top.

More and more wooden boats were carrying people forward, but the number of wooden boards and wooden oars was still scarce compared to the number of people who fell into the water. Looking at the changes ahead, they were anxious, but they couldn't wait for the wooden oars and boards to flow over before being divided up by the people in front.

Under the urgency, some people simply swam forward boldly.

On the other side, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who had crossed the starting line, soon noticed that the resistance they faced when rowing became larger, and the flow of water under the board became faster, so they needed to use more force to slide faster. The wooden oar ensured that the boat continued to move forward, not backwards along the current.

But the changes in the flow of water were not as great as those in the sights.

After rowing for more than ten meters, the two people no longer saw the modern scene of the street lamps in the previous buildings. The water surface became narrower and narrower, and the two sides of the river turned into muddy grass full of weeds, and the front became a lush forest scene.

The two looked at the front and then looked at the back, only to be stunned, feeling that they had entered a large illusion.

For this reason, the two specially slowed down, Cheng Huai was rowing the boat, and Xia Ruize tested the surrounding environment in every possible way, but could not find any flaws.

"It may be an illusion that is several times higher than my level, or it may be that what we see is real, and the space has been changed. Of course, it may also be caused by principles that we don't understand at all."

Xia Ruize had no choice but to give up and continue to explore.

The two of them did not move forward in a hurry, but slowly waited for the people behind to gradually catch up, watching them with one shocked expression, two shocked expressions, four or five expressions of disbelief…

It wasn't until more than 20 people were included in Xia Ruize's observation that Xia Ruize was convinced that if these people who crossed the starting line first were not all trialers, it would only mean that the changes in the environment were too amazing amd incomprehensible.

At this time, the waterway where Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were located was only two meters wide, but on both sides of the river were dense forests that were five or six meters wide and more than ten meters high.

However, it was precisely because of such an environment that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian noticed that there was a bright "light bulb" hidden in the grass on the shore.

It was a small, round, transparent fruit the size of a thumb. The inside was crystal clear, with brilliance flowing, and it was displayed on the outside in the shape of a small light bulb.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian carefully observed the small bulb, and noticed that there were three similar-sized depressions in a row at the front of the board. Finally, they decided to take off the bulb and try to put it in the depression.

The small light bulb fitted tightly into the depression. After placing the small light bulb, the two immediately realized that it was less laborious to move the board than before.

With this discovery, Charizard's spatial backtracking skill was often turned on, but his observation range was limited to less than fifteen meters in the width of the waterway and the two sides of the river.

Further outside, he felt that he had encountered two "walls", unable to break through it and see what was behind the "wall".

Xia Ruize didn't insist, and found that it was difficult to meet small light bulbs, so the two focused on rowing.

Since it is " Thousands of Ke´s striving for flow ", the word "striving" meant that the ordering to the end point should still be more important.

After the two of them got serious, those who had surpassed them while they were studying the shore scenery were chased and surpassed again.

Da Hu and Xiao Hu paddled the board and followed behind the two. Da Hu thought that leaving the water he feared, he was the fiercest, but he did not expect that the two young brothers who knew each other inexplicably in front of him were stronger, so they made up their minds to follow the two people behind, if there was really something, their brothers and the brothers in front of them could still help each other.

After rowing for half an hour, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai were so tired that they began to gasp for breath. They looked at the water in the waterway below with lingering fears. This water was definitely not ordinary. Ordinary water would not make them so tired after rowing for half an hour.

Da Hu and Xiao Hu who tried their best to follow behind them couldn't hold it anymore, Da Hu who was sitting in front of the wooden board greeted loudly:

"Brother Cheng! Brother Xia! Slow, slow down, rest, rest! I'm dying of exhaustion…"

When Xia Ruize looked back, Dahu was already sweating.

Looking back, there was no other person within the range of dozens of meters of waterway as far as the eye could see.

It was rare to have someone who could keep up with them by strength. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian never thought of getting rid of them completely, so they slowed down the speed of rowing.

"Are, are, are you two veterans of the Bamboo Silk Area?"

Da Hu stroked vigorously twice, caught up with half of the plank, turned slightly sideways, and asked in a low voice beside Xia Ruize. The one who could be stronger than the two of them may be the old hand.

"What about you?"

Cheng Huaiqian asked back.

"Hehe, my brother and I have gone through seven bamboo silk area missions, two were excellent, three were passing, hehe."

The other party could understand their words, and Da Hu immediately knew that he had met his peers, and he took the lead in explaining their achievements without caring, and his words were quite complacent.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other, Cheng Huaiqian said calmly, "We have only entered the Bamboo Silk Area not long ago."

"Then you are really amazing!" Da Hu praised without pretense, and extended his thumb to compare.

Brother Cheng and Brother Xia had been able to maintain the lead in rowing, which showed that their physical fitness attributes were not low.