Dire Waters (29): Back

Anyone who saw the final ranking could imagine how much resources Zhuoyuan Star Planet would get in the next three years. Except for the central star, which one was not jealous?

The person in charge of Zhuoyuan Star Planet knew in his heart what the second place represented. In fact, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say or do.

Originally, as long as Zhuoyuan Star Planet could fight for a promotion and get the fifth place in this tourism festival, his work would be considered a success. If he was lucky enough to get fourth place, he would be credited. As for the top three, he didn't even think about it.

Who knew the reality was so unexpected, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were so fierce, they occupied the top two rankings all at once, and improved their Zhuoyuan Star Planet´s performance by a large margin? They had been in the back all year round, and they suddenly went to second place?!

The Star Chief must had known the news, and he must be overjoyed. The next three years would be the three years of Zhuoyuan Star Planet´s great development!

The person in charge, who was thinking about things in his mind, was blushing. He tried his best to remain as reserved and calm as possible to greet people who came to congratulate him, but the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be suppressed, and he would occasionally look at his own players in the first half of the area. Among them, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were the most concerned by him.

And what were Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai doing, who were being followed by other players and the heads of many planets? They were looking for information on the completion of extended mission:

[Extended task: represent Zhuoyuan Star Planet to participate in the Chang'an Civilization Tourism Festival

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Rating: Perfect

Mission Reward: 3,000 Survival Points will be awarded. Reward all attributes +3. Reward an emperor-level gene optimizer.

Special reminder: you will leave the mission world in one day]

Although this world did not provide more extended missions, the benefits obtained surprised the two of them.

When they used the King-level Gene Optimizer, they were very much looking forward to the effect of the emperor-level Gene Optimizer. Although the process of using it was a bit difficult, the improvement in physical fitness after using it was really gratifying, and they were willing to pay for it.

The only thing that made them feel puzzled was that the emperor-level gene optimizer mentioned in the mission reward was not directly distributed in the system space, which was rare.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were paired up with each other. After finding that they couldn't find the shadow of the emperor-level Gene Optimizer in all the space, they had some guesses in their hearts.

The excitement in the competition hall finally dissipated. The spectators watched the excitement for three or four hours, but those players struggled in the volcano for most of the day. They were all mentally exhausted. The team protected their players from the player passage and took them back to their respective receptions to rest.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were no exception and followed the person in charge back to the reception.

The other eight contestants, especially the four official contestants, looked at them completely differently. After all, except for Cheng Huaiqian, the official contestant with the best score was only ranked 7th, which was really a hindrance for the two great gods.

"Xiao Xia, Xiao Cheng, are you tired? What do you want to eat when you go back?"

When the person in charge confronted the two of them, He was even more pleasant, and there was a smile on his face.

He had already calculated in his heart that such outstanding talents should stay in the official government, and they could be sent to participate in the tourism festival as the official representative in three years.

After returning to the reception, the person in charge urged the other players to take a rest first. After they had rested, there would be a celebration party waiting for them. He personally sent Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai back to the room and waited until there were only three people left, and joyfully whispered to the two of them:

"The star chief already knows, let me say 'hard work' to you on his behalf!

The Star Chief personally approved it, and in the name of star government, each of you will be given one piece of emperor-level genetic optimizer. As long as you want, you can let the professional team cooperate with you to use it at any time.

When we get back to Zhuoyuan Star Planet, there will be a grand celebration waiting for you, then…"

The person in charge was still excitedly explaining in a chattering tone. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other, but they understood that the emperor-level Gene Optimizer, which had been rewarded by the original mission, was given to them as a realistic reward.

However, the process of using the gene optimizer did require professionals to monitor and protect the entire process. The fact that the two of them could stay in this mission world for a day also gave them the opportunity to use the gene optimizer, so Cheng Huaiqian interrupted the person in charge of the long speech and asked decisively:

"Where's the genetic optimizer? We're going to use it now."

"Ah? Now?" The person in charge was stunned, with doubts in his tone: "Aren't you going to rest?"

"If I don't, I can´t be in the mood to rest."

Cheng Huaiqian was very righteous.

The person in charge thought about it, if he had such treasures, he would definitely not be able to wait. It was only his own when he used it, so he laughed and nodded in response: "Alright, alright, I'll arrange it for you right away."

Fortunately, there were very few emperor-level genetic optimizers. Originally, Zhuoyuan star planet's star chief applied for it to the central star, and it was completely possible to use it directly in the central star. The person in charge immediately began to contact the relevant research institutes.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian had to hurry up and race against time to collect information frantically. Because their citizenship level had been upgraded again, from "elite" to "expert", more confidential and professional information had been unlocked.

Six hours later, after a simple dinner, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were sent to a professional institution, where professional medical staff and technical experts were already in place, waiting for the two of them.

Surprisingly, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who had already had more severe pain, felt that the process of insisting on using the emperor-level gene optimizer was easier than before, and they fell into a drowsy sleep with deep doubts.

When they opened their eyes again, they had returned to their own room in the endless world.

The rooms of the two had been merged, so when they opened their eyes, they saw each other. They couldn't help but smile at each other, put their heads together, and checked the latest tips:

[Gene Optimizer (Emperor Level) (Yellow Top Grade): High probability to greatly improve physical fitness, strength +12, agility +9, spirit +10, constitution +13]

The two were pleasantly surprised at the huge improvement and finally understood why they could achieve such a huge improvement. This genetic optimizer turned out to be a yellow top grade! It was the best quality item they had obtained so far.

However, surprises were surprises, and physical exhaustion was still exhausting. The two just browsed the black-market products and bought some when they saw the right ones.

For example, the memory bread that had made great achievements in this world was what they had prepared before. These functional and practical items may come in handy someday.

Then, in order not to waste the time spent in the endless world, the two left the endless world and returned to the real world to rest.

They were lying on the bed before they were ready to go, so they washed up a little and continue to fall asleep.

A few days later, Xia Ruize went home to accompany his parents. He had formed a habit of coming back to stay with his parents for a few days after each mission.

Cheng Huaiqian was overwhelmed by the heavy workload, and he still needed to recall a lot of content. He frowned in annoyance, but it was not without good news, he finally found a suitable person for the position of general manager he was looking for.

Cheng Huaiqian directly arranged for the other party to be a senior executive of Cheng's Group, and personally brought the other party to quickly familiarize himself with the huge business, waiting for the other party to completely get started.

The author has something to say:

Seeing everyone's questions about the sum of the rankings in the previous chapter: the lower the sum of the rankings, the better. It means that the ten players on this planet are in the top ranks. For example, Zhuoyuan star planet had the first and second places. The central star had the third and fourth places. If compared only these four players, the sum of the rankings of Zhuoyuan star planet is lower~ but the final ranking is higher~