Shadows of the city (10): Wait

While the governor was arranging the evacuation, Investigator Brooke suddenly interjected:

"All prisoners who are doing service outside prison should be put in jail first. There are too many unstable elements among them, and it will be very troublesome if they make trouble."

Investigator Brooke gave up the idea of ​​asking Shengma officials to fully cooperate with his investigation, but the assistance that should be provided should still be provided.

The governor readily agreed, and the governor though that more than the criminals who attend community corrections, the more difficult ones to deal with were the criminals in prison.

There was no death penalty in Shengma State, and the felon prisons were full of criminals with surprisingly long-time limits. Of course, they couldn´t be left to wait in Shengma City to die, but the risk of suddenly transferring a large number of criminals was too great.

In case of any accident and the prisoner escaped, it would be very terrifying news.

The governor simply put the responsibility of transferring prisoners to Investigator Brooke.

Investigator Brooke glanced at the governor coldly, but did not refuse. He reached out and grabbed the deputy director of the prison, turned around and left the conference room.

People in the conference room watched Investigator Brooke leave with his investigators. The governor, who had solved a big problem, felt relieved, and greeted other state government executives to continue to discuss evacuation arrangements.

They did not find that on the lamp above the conference room, a palm-sized ghost bat hung upside down, and the smart eyes swept over the people below from time to time, as if they could understand what they were saying.

Investigator Brooke sorted out the list of criminals who were serving their sentences in the shortest possible time. Except for those who were honestly imprisoned in prison, there were nearly 500 people who were currently serving outside prisons.

Most of them were criminals participating in community corrections, and a small number were criminals receiving special care in hospitals.

As Investigator Brooke worked to arrange transfers, he kept an eye on the offenders involved in community corrections.

At 7 o'clock in the afternoon, all the criminals who participated in community corrections in the 16 blocks of Shengma City returned to the community center, and Brook, who was watching them closely, immediately found those who had not clocked in on time.

In the same group as Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, the sixty criminals who started community correction four days ago was the focus of Investigator Brooke. He found something very interesting.

In just four days, two of the 60 criminals were shot dead for bank robbery and resisting arrest; one was arrested for burglary; two were arrested for theft and resisting arrest; Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian, and Gao Hexuan didn't check in on time… It could be said that these people were very restless.

Investigator Brooke retrieved Gao Hexuan's information and found that Gao Hexuan's image was very similar to the one drawn by the profiler. He immediately determined that the young man that appeared with Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian at the same time in the mouths of several restaurant waiters was Gao Hexuan.

What's more interesting was that Brook also found that the two fraudsters who failed to catch at noon were also among this group of criminals. This was completely beyond his expectations. The two fraudsters escaped arrest at noon and swaggered back to the community center to check in?!

Who gave them the confidence to think that they were successful in hiding their identities, that they dared to continue to hide in the community center???

Investigator Brooke pouted and made a loud clenching sound. 10 restless people were found among the 60 people. Who could believe that the rest of the people had been safe and honest in recent days?

So, Investigator Brooke applied for the support of the National Guard in the name of the FBI, surrounded the community centers in sixteen blocks in turn, and brought all the criminals who were participating in community corrections back to the prison.

The two scammers were able to escape at noon because Brook at the time paid more attention to the two thieves and didn't pay much attention to them. Now it was different. Hundreds of professional soldiers surrounded the community center and they honestly got caught.

At the same time in this mission world, there were actually twelve testers, ten of whom had already been found by Investigator Brooke, and two others were really wronged.

One of them was really honest and dutiful, starting from working hard as a coolie and starting to accumulate original capital. After saving a little money, he tried to quickly turn it into more money through the stock market.

Although the starting capital was small, he had some talent in stock speculation, and he had the blessing of ability. The capital in his hand would quickly increase from the first few hundred to the later tens of thousands. If nothing else, he would end the mission on time. There was still great hope for him to complete the task.

The other was Gao Hexuan's roommate, he had been doing "hard work" honestly. He sold his body day and night, and he didn't pick clients and just made money. If it was necessary, he would do one-to-many, just like this, it was so hard that he was embarrassed.

As a result, bad news suddenly came, and they were all locked up!

The four trialers who were blocked in the community center did not have the courage to challenge the power of hundreds of rushing machine guns, so they had to be switched off with the luck that they would be released if no problem was found.

Investigator Brooke acted very quickly. After solving the criminals scattered all over the city, he started to arrange the transfer of criminals in the three prisons in Shengma City.

The interrogation of those suspicious elements was handed over to his subordinates, and Investigator Brooke himself led the team to investigate the safety of the city's pipelines and search for Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan who were targeted by him.

At 8:00 p.m., the TV program urgently broadcast a major news:

[There will be a major earthquake in Shengma City at 4:00 pm tomorrow. Citizens are requested to hurry up and evacuate Shengma City before 4:00 pm tomorrow.]

Short messages took over all TV channels and were played over and over again.

Citizens who first saw the news couldn't believe their ears at all. Unexpectedly, they received information that was repeatedly publicized by the government through emails, text messages, door-to-door notifications, and city broadcasts.

Regardless of the propaganda method, the core focus was to ask citizens to evacuate Shengma City within 20 hours.

From receiving the threatening letter at 5:00 p.m. to officially issuing a warning to the public at 8:00 p.m., the state government kept moving in those three hours.

The most important parts such as hospitals and prisons had been given priority to evacuate. In addition, various modes of transportation such as air, train, and automobile had also been contacted and arranged, and they would continue to send trains to surrounding cities in the next time to transport as many passengers as possible.

The Shengma state government also encouraged residents to drive out of Shengma City by themselves, and arranged security personnel in advance at various traffic points in the city to be responsible for diverting traffic to deter people who commit crimes while taking advantage of the chaos.

Citizens who received news of an impending earthquake were panicked for a while, and their anxiety prevailed, they were warned in advance about the earthquake so that they could leave and take refuge, but the family property that they had been working hard for many years could not be taken away, and who knew if they would came back to see just ruins, it was extremely heart-wrenching to think about.

In desperation, the citizens could only quickly pack up their belongings with heartache and prepare to leave Shengma City.

In the end, the number of citizens who choose to leave by car was the largest. After all, their car could be stuffed with as many valuables as possible, and it was not so convenient to carry luggage on planes and trains.

As for the destination of departure, those who had relatives and friends in other cities went to their relatives and friends, those who had money choose to take a vacation in a city as far away as possible, and those who were really unable to take refuge in the three nearby satellite cities were evacuated.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the main road out of the city began to be congested, and the congestion continued to increase with time.

Fortunately, at 9:30, the aid troops promised by the National Guard entered Shengma City and were arranged to be dispersed to various intersections in Shengma City to help maintain order.

The soldiers of the National Guard were more ruthless than the security guards. When encountering vehicles that were deliberately blocked and disobeyed, they would violently smash the windows with their weapons, and even drag the driver out of the car and beat them.

Under such a strong management, fewer and fewer people dare to provoke, and the congestion had not developed to the point where it was impossible to move a single step.

In addition, there were some people with bad intentions who took advantage of the chaos to smash and loot. Fortunately, after the National Guard entered the city, this phenomenon had been greatly reduced.

This night was a sleepless night for Shengma City.

Even if the security guards and soldiers tried their best to divert traffic, the city was always in a state of congestion, anxious citizens were particularly ill-tempered, and various conflicts occurred very frequently.

For Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan, this night was a rare night of rest.

Gao Hexuan, who has been monitoring the progress of the police investigation, found out that the elite investigators of the FBI intervened and quickly locked the suspect target on Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, and immediately notified the two bosses to avoid them.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian did hide, but they were actually hiding in the city center, unlike Investigator Brooke's prediction that they were cautiously hiding in the corners of the city.

Without looking elsewhere, they hid directly under the ruins of the Shengma City Library.

The ruins of Shengma City Library were a pile of bookshelves and a lot of dust. Xia Ruize used his telekinesis to control the dust to clear an area. Cheng Huaiqian took the opportunity to set up the tent. The two dug into the tent and then covered the tent with dust.

After Gao Hexuan was also discovered, Gao Hexuan hid in another tent under the ruins with the assembled computer he bought with the money earned by the two bosses.

Both tents were covered by dust, which neither interfered with the use of those inside, nor will they be noticed by those outside.

So, when Investigator Brooke went against the crowd of people who left the city to look for the thorns in the world, Xia Ruize group were sleeping peacefully under the ruins of the library not far from the state government.

There was only one ghost bat languishing on the hem of Brooke's clothes, watching the progress of his search.

At four o'clock in the morning, when the night was at its darkest, Xia Ruize group walked out of the tent and left the ruins of the library.

Cheng Huaiqian dug out the motorcycle that was also hidden under the ruins and was originally used for express delivery, and drove Xia Ruize and Gao Hexuan towards the outskirts of the city.

During the whole journey, the passers-by around them turned a blind eye to them thanks to Xia Ruize´s illusion, and the three of them slipped away smoothly from the eyes of the National Guard.

Sitting on the high-speed motorcycle, Xia Ruize was not idle. He took out a black makeup brush and painted the faces of the three of them.

This makeup brush was a white mid-level equipment produced by the Lord God, and it was worth 300 survival points. There were fifty kinds of makeup styles stored in the makeup brush. The user only needed to select the desired style in advance and use the makeup brush on the face. With a wave, you could "print" the corresponding makeup on your face.

The method of use was simple, and Xia Ruize could handle it. He saw that after he brushed it, the appearance of the three of them immediately changed a lot, and Xia Ruize, who had pale skin, turned into a mixed-race appearance.

Although westerners would be blind when looking at easterners, they could still distinguish the more obvious features. The effect of makeup was that people in the mission world would not immediately think of the wanted people when they saw their faces.

The three drove their motorcycles to the beach, Cheng Huaiqian stopped the car, lifted the motorcycle with his hand, and threw the motorcycle over the guardrail into the sea.

Next, the three approached a room beside the pier.

"Come here?" Sitting at the door of the room was a middle-aged man with a scar on his face. He raised his eyelids and glanced at Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian who were standing in front of him. He rarely said softly in a soft tone: "It's hard work."

"Everyone in the family has made arrangements, and I will earn a fortune at the end. I have money in my hand, so I don't panic." Xia Ruize replied with a smile, then pulled Gao Hexuan behind him and recommended, "This is my brother, he is very strong. Very well, let's also make some money to settle down."

Today's scarred man was very talkative. He pointed to several cube boxes stacked on top of each other in the corner, and motioned for Gao Hexuan to try to move it.

Gao Hexuan looked thin and weak, but his physical qualities had been strengthened a few times, so he easily moved a few cube boxes to another corner of the room and folded them again.

The scarred man nodded in satisfaction, Xia Ruize immediately dragged him to the rear locker room to put on uniform overalls and a hat.

"Boss, what are we doing today?"

The three fully armed men went to the scarred man to ask about today's mission.

"You can do any of these small tasks." The scarred man selected some tasks on the computer, motioned the three to choose at will, and then lowered his voice and said inadvertently, "you will be free at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai looked at each other without a trace, with bright smiles in their eyes, here they come! They have been planning for days, and the opportunity they have been waiting for has finally come!

In this mission world, they did not accumulate wealth step by step, but played a big game, with great risks and great rewards. Whether they could obtain corresponding benefits after a long-term layout was a matter of success or failure!