Doomsday Run (16) plunder

The meeting room fell into a rare silence, and everyone was waiting.

Ten minutes later, the door of the conference room was pushed open, Gao Hexuan walked in alone, sat on the seat next to Xia Ruize, noticed that the eyes of the five people on the opposite side were full of surprise, and said casually:

"Someone else leads the way, that one just got lost."

As for how people could get lost in their home base, and where they got lost, there is nothing to say.

The five members of the Bewitched Fox team finally collapsed. The vice-captain who jumped out to lead the way just now was actually the strongest individual among the senior Bewitched Foxes. He was also a fire-type power user. They don't even think about it.

"I suggest that you still send people who can lead the way as soon as possible."

As Xia Ruize spoke, he tapped his fingers, so the guns and guns in front of the five people also tapped on their foreheads, full of threats.

Hu Gaojie had no choice, he waved his hand weakly, indicating that the subordinate in charge of finance would obey the request of the other party.

The person in charge of the team's finances was a big fat man. Seeing this, he showed a painful expression, but he didn't dare not to obey, so he had to walk away with Gao Hexuan cautiously.

After another ten minutes, Gao Hexuan and Fatty came back together. Seeing Gao Hexuan's happy expression, he knew that his business was going well.

"47 medium-quality life bottles, 23 low-quality life bottles were collected from the opposing team members, and 12 high-quality life bottles, 20 medium-quality life bottles and 52 low-quality life bottles were found in the warehouse."

Gao Hexuan couldn't wait to report the results to the two bosses in the heart network.

The three privately identified the life bottles given to them by the future base before the mission as high-quality, and the life bottles sent to them by the research base later as super high-quality, and the life bottles collected from the sacrificed team members were different. The same, is divided into medium quality and low quality.

The ones bought from the black shop were classified as low-quality by the three of them. Fortunately, there are still some good things hidden in the base camp of the ghost fox hunting team, so they didn't let them run away in vain.

The fruitful harvest made Cheng Huaiqian show a kind smile on his face, and said to the trembling five people:

"Thank you for your cooperation. We will meet again in the future."

"Hey, wait, Your Excellency, I know which one has the most life bottles!"

Hu Gaojie immediately shouted to stop the three demons who seemed to get up and leave, and proactively revealed the news:

"The most powerful force in our Guangming Base is not the base official, but the Fang's team. They have their own research team. Most of the life bottles flowing in the Guangming Base come from them."

Hearing this, Cheng Huaiqian was really interested, sat down again, touched his chin, and said embarrassingly:

"But others didn't come to grab us, so we can't take the initiative to grab the door."

Hu Gaojie was about to vomit at the pretentious demon in his heart, but he still had to be patient and coax:

"Fang's hunting team is rampant and domineering in the Guangming Base, and they have no bottom line in their actions. Even their research team is robbed and forced to work for them.

Mr. Fang has the largest shop at the end of the most prosperous street in Guangming Base. As long as you go to the shop to reveal your wealth, they will definitely grab it. "

Hu Gaojie couldn't have only damaged his own home. Hu Gaojie was determined to put eye drops on his opponent's home in front of the devil.

Inspired by the others, they persuaded them one after another, revealing to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian the details of many forces.

"Thank you for your suggestions. If we succeed, we will give you a credit."

Cheng Huaiqian's tone was brisk, and he was very satisfied.

The people in the conference room who were still threatened by handguns laughed in agreement. Just when they thought they were doing well and could escape the catastrophe, there was a sudden sharp pain in their heads, and the next second they fell into a coma.

Xia Ruize's three Shi Shiran got up and walked out of the power base of the fox hunting team, and walked to the location of Fang's store. As usual, they used a lot of life energy to buy all the life bottles in the store. superior.

After happily solving the killer, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize went directly to the base camp of Fang's hunting team.

The difference between the two hunting teams is probably that after controlling the scene, Xia Ruize and the three not only forcibly looted Fang's inventory and all the life bottles on the team members, but also found a group of locked up researchers from the third underground floor of Fang's power building. personnel.

Unlike the research base, which is led by researchers, the researchers here do not look very good. They are all thin and weak, and their eyes are dull, like robots doing experiments.

Xia Ruize and the three who suddenly broke in didn't even get their attention. The researchers continued their work numbly until Cheng Huaiqian took the initiative to introduce them as a robbery, and everyone in the lab seemed to be turned off by the power switch. Standing still, staring blankly at the three strangers who suddenly appeared.

The three of them quickly learned that these researchers were all arrested by Fang, and after they were brought back, they were locked in the basement where the sun did not see the light. They were forced to conduct experiments day and night according to the research direction given by Fang. Give rest, don't give freedom, don't even give enough food.

Looking at the tragic situation of these people, and thinking about the research bases dominated by researchers, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian sighed.

"It's better to send them to the research base, they are all the same kind, maybe they can find a common language."

Xia Ruize looked at the skinny researchers and raised an idea in his heart.

Didn't the research base say that they are about to conquer the vaccine against the live corpse virus, and if they add a little research force to them, maybe the research progress can be accelerated.

Because the strength is above the conspiracy, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian don't really care that the research base pits them. They just don't want to go back to the research base.

"Do you know Mu Ruihe? Would you like to send you to him?"

After discussing in Xinwang, Xia Ruize asked the stunned researchers.

There were twelve researchers in the basement, and more than twenty assistants, headed by a researcher in his forties. After hearing Xia Ruize's words, the other party's unwavering eyes suddenly lit up. For the first time, he took the initiative. get in a word:

"If we can send us to Dr. Mu, we can make a copy for you of the success of our research in the past two years." Noticing that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian had no intention of moving on their faces, he hurriedly added, "There is a bottle of life. method of making."

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were really interested now, Xia Ruize nodded decisively, "Okay, pack up and go now."

After being locked underground for a long time, the numb researchers finally got excited. They packed up their research materials in a hurry and stepped out of the strong iron gates that blocked them.

Gao Hexuan, who was in charge of leading them on the way, copied all the information provided by the researchers, whether it was useful or not, while Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian drove their truck from the Fang's garage first.

The long-lost sun shines on the body, making people feel warm. The world seen through the sunglasses is warm in color, and even the air is very fresh. Looking at the Fang's hunting team members who do not know if they are alive or dead, the researchers do not know. Feeling terror only feel relieved.

There were even people who walked out on the bodies of those who were often arrogant and arrogant in front of them. If they hadn't had enough to eat for a long time, they would not have been willing to kick only two feet.

In their hearts, the researchers, who were afraid that they would never be able to leave after missing this opportunity, helped each other to the parking lot, climbed into the truck in the starting state, and watched the building that had imprisoned them for two years keep going away and getting smaller. Some even shed emotional tears.

Cheng Huaiqian held the steering wheel with one hand, and rushed directly to the gate of Guangming Base City, and then had to stop, because the front was blocked, and the guards directed them to line up in order.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian noticed that the guards at the city gate were strengthened, and the atmosphere became a little more tense, as if they were checking something.

The two looked at each other and smiled tacitly, with the same light of trouble in their eyes. If what they did has been discovered and they are not allowed to leave the city, they should just go out.

Cheng Huai stayed in the car, Xia Ruize opened the door, walked past the convoy lined up at the gate of the city, and went to the front to check the actual situation.

"Be honest! This is an official order issued by the base! All teams leaving the city today must be strictly investigated!"

The captain of the guard guarding the city scolded the hunting team who came to inquire about the news in a serious tone. His face was very ugly. He vaguely knew some inside information. , so the base officials demanded that people who came out of the city should be strictly checked.

Xia Ruize listened for a while, turned and left quietly, and then approached the target he had already aimed at.

The first target was a thin young man who was scolding and complaining constantly. The other party was stunned when he saw Xia Ruize who suddenly appeared in front of him. He was about to ask what was going on when he saw Xia Ruize looking directly into his eyes. Say:

"It's almost evening, why go out of the city? Why don't you go back."

There seemed to be a whirlpool in those bright black eyes, and the young man felt that he had fallen into the endless whirlpool that kept spinning, and repeated in a low voice, "Why go out of the city... why don't you go back..."

After speaking, he turned around obediently, walked towards the truck of his team, opened the door, turned the steering wheel, turned around and left in one go.

The other drivers who had been complaining with the young man were taken aback for a moment.

There was one less car in the queue for the out-of-town convoy, and Cheng Huaiqian stepped on the accelerator and immediately seized the vacant position.

Xia Ruize turned to the next target with satisfaction.

What he uses is one of the new skills that appeared after the upgrade of his elven lineage, [Divine Messenger].

This is actually a superb hypnosis skill, which is effective on intelligent creatures whose mental power is less than half of Xia Ruize's.

However, the drivers of these teams are generally good in ordinary driving skills, and they can't stop the power of [Divine Messenger]. They all returned to their team cars according to Xia Ruize's instructions, and drove away cleanly.