IT WAS ESABEL'S OCEAN EYES that stared at Marsil as he sat up on the bed. The place in which he rested was now soaked in cold sweat and about a dozen people stood in front of him, roundabout his bed, watching him with worried eyes.

As the Vampire Prince looked round the room, his pale eyes were slightly translucent and looked eerie, like he saw something they didn't.

He recognized the anxious faces watching him as those of his three friends; Esabel, Ferra, and Hemlock. The rest were the concerned family of House Cranmer.

"Marsil, are you okay?"

The Princess's voice came to him again. Marsil immediately recognized the musical pitch. It was her that had awakened him from his nightmare.

He spied her hands lifting to touch his face in a caress but he immediately pulled away. Esabel lowered her beautiful blue eyes in disappointment. She should know better...

Her brother was cold. He never let anyone touch him. Not even her.