FOLLOWING THE DICTATE OF THE EMPEROR; High Lord of the Ice Realms, Leonidas Bane, word was sent throughout the five cities of the realm. His Royal Vizier, Tammün Ruz was set in charge of the three select warriors from each of the Icelander Clans.

The names of participants were submitted in a long scroll delivered to the Vizier. The silver-bearded man went through the parchment quickly, picking a group of fifteen candidates; elite warriors, men and women of renown in their clans...heroes of the North who would travel through Eracuse to the South, all they way from the icy deserts of Valkalon to the rich sands of Syveria.

These chosen warriors were tasked with a single mission. To find the Dragonkind and bring him home. Due to the nature of their mission, their were collectively named the Flameseekers.