MANY YEARS BEFORE THE NIGHT WARS, before the gloom of warring armies and drowning blood. Many years before the division on the continent of Adramon. Many years before the Ascent of Eracuse, the North and South lived together in harmony. At the time, it wasn't even known as the North or South. Just as a unified and thriving multi-cultural Empire.

Adramon before the Night Wars was the Pride of the Known World. Foreigners sailed in from distant lands, from realms so faraway it was as if they'd existed on a different plane. The purses of sailors had been filled with coin as these wide-eyed strangers came to behold the rich beauty of the continent.

It's shared borders with the Carrean sea and the Isles of Mithos made Adramon a sight for seeking eyes. Many had come to behold the great seat of power, the White Throne. The Ivory Castle had been a budding beauty then.