MERMAID TALES IN SYVERIA WERE REGARDED as baseless imaginations. In a continent where people changed to bears and serpents and hawks, you would think they'd believe all the myths. But they didn't.

The people of the North might've believed, but the South didn't. Not at all. The Seers called it a heresy that a woman could possess the lower body of a fish for legs. The Graces remarked it was an abomination of the holy, and the Fraters openly preached that mermaids were offsprings of despicable and fremd affairs between man and fish.

Together, these great clans of power had succeded in so demolishing the nature of mermaids in the South that no one in the present era really believed such creatures existed. And even if they did, the summer dwellers considered them as monsters spawned from the abominable activities of sick people.