SEBASTIEN DEMARQUIS, AN ICELANDER VAMPIRE LORD and Commandant of the Flameseekers stood bristled in the center room of an Inn. The Icelandic warrior paced the paved wood floors as he mused on very many things. Thoughts that made him antsy.

The Flameseekers had being in Calipsos now for a nearly a fortnight. In that time, they hadn't yet found the tiniest clue of where the DRACAENY might be. They had left the little hamlet on the border of Eracuse with purpose. Purpose to return back with the Dragon Prince. To return home once again to Valkalon in glory, with the famed moon-eyed Prince in tow.

But so far, Sebastien felt they had failed.

The Icelander longed for snow beneath his boots, the breezy winter of the Ice Realms. The grayness of Kravathos, to see red-haired children playing once more in the frigid lands of the North. Sebastien longed for home.