THE VALE OF WAILS HADN'T YET seen a mortal visitor in over a century of its existence. Mortal, because of course there were the ghosts of passing souls that roamed the misty thicket of it. These wayward spirits were named the Lost Ones, and their cries had birthed the name of the Vale.

The Keeper of the Vale, Olean Savaeros had learned to live with the Lost Ones. He communed with them, forming an almost unnatural connection to these ghosts. Insomuch that the wights formed a symbiosis with Olean.

The Keeper let them roam the misty Woods and they in turn served as protectors to the Vale. No human had dared to cross the path into the valley where the sprawling Athenaeum stood.

As the greatest library in all of Syveria, the Vale was meant to be visited by all. But only the strong of heart and those with an even harder will to gain something from the tomes contained within ventured a journey to the tower of Blackstone.