"PARDON ME, YOUR GRACE! But your friends have arrived."

Esabel abruptly spun around at the word of her handmaiden and the young woman's eyes went level with hers.

A moment later, she lowered her gaze from the Princess's blue ones. Afterall, it was uncouth to look a Nobleborn in the eye, especially one of such high rank.

"However, I must finish with your hair," the maiden said again.

Esabel regarded her a moment but turned back to face away from the woman.

Only an hour ago, she had being locked up in Marsil's chamber, praying to the dear gods that the Castle Governess wouldn't come knocking. Esabel had been lucky. The vampire Prince was intimidating enough that even the Governess' rigidity was flagged down by his own dark nature.

It was barely ten clock chimes now when she'd subtly creeped her way back to her own bedroom.