"TELL ME, MY LADY. What is it you desire?"

Sirathe looked to the imposing man before her. His words, she wondered. Was he really asking what she thought he was?

The Governess had walked into the King's banquet following the discreet instructions of the Kingsguards, particularly that of the good knight, Ser Thrace Draco. Her invite to the famed hall of disrepute had come as a surprise to her.

She was a novice. And it was her first time seeing sexuality so brazenly practiced.

When Ser Thrace had hushedly told her in the ear of the hall to walk into, she had shivered in anticipation. The banquet room had not disappointed. She was early but so were others, and presently as she stood, some Lords were already kissing about her. Most with women. Others, hidden in the shadows, and if she was to presume, with other men.