~A PRINCE'S PLEASURE~ (The Striptease)

PRINCE MARSIL OF HOUSE PIERRAN, ward of the Summer King and Lord Silverheel of Syveria was walking the spotless courts of the King's banquet hall when he first heard the tolling of the Grace Temple's bell.

He continued in his stride, silent as the shadows around, with his four friends flanking his steps. Esabel took his right, trying to even up her gait to match his long legs. Intentionally, she let her body brush his from time to time.

To the left of the vampire Prince was the Keeper's daughter, Ferra Savaeros, a changeling of the Vale. Marsil let her wrap her arm around his, in the manner of a suitor courting a lass.

Hemlock and Katrina followed closely behind Marsil, and even though none of them would admit it, they each sent their gaze over the Prince's towering form. On the occasion that Katrina caught Hemlock staring, she cleared her throat loudly enough for him to hear, and in the event that he did her, he only ever so 'politely' offered a lopsided grin.