MANY IN THE SUMMERLANDS CONSIDERED IT utter prejudice that the King should name his own cousin his Hand, and even worse, that it was a man so base of morals. Gossiped about in halls of debauchery like an Epicurean. In the multitude of this rumors, the man himself didn't seem to care. Lord Raytheon Pierran was to himself a frigate of his own. He warded off the comments as easily as one would smack away a buzzing fly.

In his own words, 'I couldn't give a fucking, flying shit what people say about me!'

He maintained this not only in words alone but in actions too as his name turned up regularly in the maleficent books of the Trinity Brothel. Whereas other Lords of Calipsos were notable as holders of good land and impeccable investments, the Lord Raytheon's name only came up on the lips of whores.

How then? Many summer dwellers considered, was such a man fit to be a King's Hand.