Music Recommendation: Guns Go Bang by Kid Cudi ft Jay Z.


SEBASTIEN DEMARQUIS OF THE FLAMESEEKERS stood behind the peephole with his dead heart frozen within his chest, and if the blood organ weren't so stiff, it would have undoubtedly been pounding at the very moment.

Thank Athos for small mercies!

In the present moment, he was glad his heart didn't beat, else the vampire Prince would have already heard the thrumming as about now.

With his skin paler than it's usual drained state, the Captain of the Flameseekers looked eerie a man. His ashen features were made more ominous by his troubled state of mind. And were any maiden to pass at the very moment, the lass would most certainly cry out at the deathly looks he bore.

The poor Icelander was paler than a wolf's pelt in dew.

Sebastien couldn't keep the Lord Commander's words from ringing in his ear.