"I WISH NOTHING MORE BUT THE BOTH OF YOU. And I would forfeit the promenade to have you in my bed." Marsil uttered these words of passion an inch away from Ferra's lips.

The young woman breathed the stormy scent of him and had her heart racing at the translucence of his gaze. She wished nothing more than for him to fulfill that very delight. Ferra could not seem to stop herself from kissing him. He had his hands around her waist, and soon as he had finished speaking, she reached up for another wet kiss.

She continued nipping on his lips even when their breathing had become raggedy and Marsil made no effort to pull away. Ferra was soft in all the right places, and wherever his fingers roamed, he could find no desire to pull away.

The vampire Prince was down to the last shreds of his self-control, and for a creature such as he, it was definitive. A little more could propel a lot much.