
LATCHLON OF HOUSE PIERRAN, THE MOST REVERED KNIGHT IN SYVERIA and Lord Commander of the Blue Cloaks sat upon a great black horse. Stout as the pointed end of a staff, he lay on a small hill about two hundred yards from the golden gates of Calipsos. The horse was no Mithosian special but the beast covered for it's lack of wings in bulk and strength. A fine drape of silver was it's saddle, and sitting astride its powerful back was Latchlon, his eyes blue as the clear skies above.

Though it seemed he stood alone on the high crest of the hill, looking far into the horizon from the edge of it, he was far from it. Behind him was the full might of the army. A most stunning display of calvary; soldiers set to ride with him for the northern hamlets, officers charged—just like him—with duty to the Crown. The host of Syveria.