Chapter 92: Battle of Trento - Counterattack

With a bright round blue moon is embedded in the black screen-like night sky, the bright moonlight pours into the world, and the black world is coated with a layer of silver veil.

"Hu, hu, hu..."

"God, it is so windy."

The commandos were lucky and caught up with such good weather on the first day.

Gregory is not a military novice. To plan a night attack, naturally, many factors must be considered, and the weather is the most important one.

The Venice area has a typical Mediterranean climate. In summer, it is controlled by the subtropical high pressure zone. The water temperature of the Mediterranean Sea is lower than that of the land, so a high pressure is formed, which increases the influence of the subtropical high pressure zone.

In winter, the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is relatively high, forming a low pressure, attracting the western wind, and greatly strengthening the power of the western wind.

Of course, Lieutenant Colonel Gregory does not know these professional rhetoric, but he has been stationed in the Venice area for a long time, and he knows that Trento is dry, rainy and windy this season.

The night is dark and the wind is silencing any noise made by the soldiers, all the conditions have been met tonight. The darkness and the sound of the wind could just cover up the actions of the commandos.

"Let's go!" Gregory ordered immediately.

With an order, the death squad quietly left the barracks. If anyone paid attention, they would find that they were walking very quietly.

A closer look reveals that all the death squad were dressed in black, with their cuffs tied up with ropes, and even the boots on their feet were wrapped in cloth.

Anyone with a little military common sense knows that this is a specialized night raid.

"What, worried?" Ham asked in a low voice

"Aren't you? Tonight's battle is a bet on our future. The road to general is smooth if we succeed. If we fail, we retire and go home early!" Gregory said solemnly.

"Are you worried about these guys? If it's just personal future, it's the two of us who will be unlucky. You still have the merit of defending the city. Marshal Radetzky is reluctant to let you go home." Hank pretended to relax and spoke.

Victory or defeat on the battlefield is a matter of military affairs. No one can guarantee victory and defeat. As long as the defeat of the war is not caused by personal factors, it is usually forgivable.

Although Gregory is not a famous general, he doesn't have special talent. However, through the previous battles, he has proved to be an excellent mid-level commander.

Marshal Radetzky is regarded as a military god by the Austrian army, not only because of his military command ability, but also because of his notarial and fair handling of people, and he likes to promote capable juniors, which is why he is respected by officers and soldiers. .

Since this night attack was approved by him, as long as there is no problem with the execution, then there is no need to worry about being pushed out to take the blame.

This is also the reason why the other two would agree with Gregory and dared to launch this night attack. There is a boss who is responsible and will not take credit for his subordinates. Of course, they have to fight hard.

"Nonsense, can the two of you stop worrying? We brought these young men out. If they fall here, how will we go back and explain to their families?" Gregory frowned and said.


Time passed by minute by minute, and only the wind whistling past was left in the silent night, mixed with the fallen leaves, and Gregory suddenly felt that the wind was lovely, like a gift from God.

"It's almost time, it seems that no accident happened!"

When he said this, the sweat on Gregory's forehead had already flowed down, and only he himself knew how much pressure he had just endured.

The two also looked at the watch on their hands and showed a relaxed smile. As long as they were not discovered by the enemy in advance, then this night attack was already half successful.

"The order goes on, and the troops are ordered to get up and eat immediately, and launch an attack in an hour!" Gregory said solemnly

"Let everyone pay attention, give me a little bit of movement!" Hank added worriedly

Despite the distance from the enemy camp,

There are still a few miles away, and the general movement will not alarm the other party, but they still decided to be careful.  


A flare was fired, the horn of attack sounded, guns roared, and the sleeping Sardinian army was awakened. At this time, the battle had begun.

General Messi, who was disturbed by his beautiful dream, asked angrily, "What happened outside?"

"General, the enemy has launched an attack!" the guard outside the door nervously replied

Hearing this news, General Messi, who was drowsy, got up in a hurry, put on his military uniform at a fast speed, and rushed to the headquarters.

At this time, the sequelae of the blind expansion of the Sardinian army appeared, and a large number of recruits became like headless chickens in the dark night, running around without care.

Chaos was contagious and quickly spread to the entire army. In the dark night, the bullets were flying, but the enemy was not seen. This kind of pressure was not something these recruits could withstand.

A stray bullet that flew out of nowhere hit a soldier, and the surrounding soldiers habitually pulled the trigger and shot in the direction they thought they were the enemy.

General Messi quickly made arrangements, and Major General William, who had just been ordered to go out, became the first unlucky person. A stray bullet flew from somewhere and hit him in the chest. .

Looking at Major General William who had have fell down onto the ground with a 'thud', everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and involuntarily retreated to the headquarters, and a terrible word emerged in their minds - "Self-Infliction[1]"

General Messi hesitated for a moment, then immediately pulled out his gun and fired a warning shot, and ordered in a stern tone: "I don't believe that the enemy has already come in, their strength are too small, there must be not many people who came to attack. Everyone will go back to command the troops for me, and I will kill anyone who commit any crimes today in the future. If anyone dares to be a deserter, I will kill him now!"

In the face of the cruel reality, a group of officers stepped out of the headquarters nervously. General Messi's judgment was good, and there were indeed not many enemies who came to attack.

However, that was only when he launched the sneak attack just now. When he arranged the task, the Austrian army had already rushed out at this time.

It was a few miles away, but it won't take long for them to arrive. Before they could return to the army, the decisive battle had already begun.


"Kill them all"

"Kill Kill Kill..."

The Sardinian military camp have become a sea of ​​slaughter, with both the Austrian army's attacking and the internal mess.

The night covered up all this. At this time, many people thought of thirty-six strategies to save their lives on the battlefield. A Sardinian soldier turned off a nearby oil lamp, and soon more soldiers followed suit.

Facts have proved that this is indeed very effective. If you turn off the lights and go to the ground, you will not be hit as long as you are not too unlucky.

Well, they are safe in the dark, and the officers looking for the troops have a headache. It's dark, who knows where their soldiers are?

[1]Honestly I am not sure what this word is. Essentially what it means in both military and civilian situations would be that a large group of people in a very compacted area/space and all of them are under very high stress/pressure and are at the tip of breaking or should shown signs of breaking. Which leads to mass panic and other issues.