Chapter 97: An Era with no Bottom Line

The Hungarian Revolutionary Party in 1848 was not a pure revolutionary party in essence. It grew rapidly from a small party with 180 members to become the leader of the Hungarian Republic, which was full of too many speculators.

It is easy to get on the ship, but it is difficult to get off the ship. The Austrian Empire, which was dying, was resurrected with blood at this time, and many people's hearts collapsed.

If at this time, the Vienna government issues a pardon order, the city of Budapest will most likely surrender without a fight.

Obviously, this is impossible. Neither the Austrian cabinet nor the crown prince Franz gave up this opportunity to attack the powerful Hungarian faction.

Suppressing the rebellion is the best reason to do it. The wider this rebellion spread and the more nobles involved, the better it would be for the future rule of Austria.

In terms of the concentration of wealth, it is estimated that Hungary can top the list. Nominally five percent of the ruling class, but in fact less than one thousandth of the population controls 90 percent of the wealth of the entire society, including serfs and workers.

Such a wonderful social order, there is no reason for it to be broken.

In fact, this revolution is still a struggle for rights within the five percent of the population, and the remaining ninety-five percent are only passively involved.

This is also the reason why Kossuth can ignore the army and harm the people. His supporters come from this 5% group, and the remaining 95% can be sacrificed.

"Are you sure the enemy will release water to attack the city? With our current situation, even if they don't have to do anything, Budapest will become a dead city soon!" Petőfi growled.

There is no way, the Austrian government will not let them go to the top of the revolutionary party, and they don't want to die, so they can only fool the soldiers desperately.

Kossuth was so successful at fooling around that he even deceived himself. For the final victory, he no longer cared about anything.

The Austrian army fought steadily all the way, and the advance was very slow. It seemed to be difficult, but in fact this was the best way of fighting without any risk.

Including building a dam in the upper reaches is actually just a cover. Any politician who has ambitions to annex Hungary would rather choose to besiege Budapest not matter the situation than choose the most hated flooding tactic.

Kossuth said in disbelief: "You mean the enemy is deliberately putting pressure on us, forcing us to go to extremes, and then destroying Budapest? No, no, it's impossible!"

After that, Kossuth sat there motionless, as if he had fallen into a state of disbelief.

The top social class in Hungary is mostly concentrated in the city of Budapest. More than half of the people in this city are nobles, capitalists and their vassals.

For the Vienna government, these people are better off dead. Even if there are supporters of the Habsburg family, Franz doesn't mind sacrificing them.

Everyone is a politician. With the thinking of a politician, it is worth sacrificing this city in exchange for a long-term stable Hungarian kingdom.

Petőfi almost shouted: "Wake up, Mr. Kossuth, this is the enemy's conspiracy! Now the National Guard has gone crazy, and even some declining nobles, small businessmen, and the middle class have not escaped their murderous hands. If they continue, they will become more and more courageous, and slowly extend their hands to the upper class. At that time, we just want to control the situation, and it will be too late! This is exactly what the enemy wants to see the most. We will use our hands to remove the Hungarian national elite for them, and then put all the charges on us, and they can annex Hungary logically! "

If Franz was here, he would definitely praise their fast thinking ability. Yes, he wanted to take the opportunity to clear dissidents, but he didn't plan to rely on the revolutionary party to do it. This is too unreliable.

Some people died in the war, just throw the blame directly to the revolutionary party, is it possible for the dead to crawl back out to justify it? At this time, the Hungarian Revolutionary Party has a bad reputation. Anything they do that is outrageous, it will become common sense.

The dream was shattered, and Kossuth's face was gloomy and terrifying. As long as he thought about it, he almost fell for the enemy's conspiracy and destroyed the Hungarian nation with his own hands, and he was terrified.

Don't look at Hungary's population of more than 10 million, he considers only 500,000 to 600,000 of his own, and Budapest has more than one-third.

Without these people, there would be no Hungarian nation, they are the backbone of this nation.

After a while, Kossuth slowed down: "Thank you, Petőfi! I would have become a sinner if not for your reminder Hungary. You are right, the enemy is indeed planning a conspiracy. They can capture Budapest faster, but they have been dawdling. It seems that they want to wipe us out."


When Kossuth wanted to clean up the military, it was too late, and the results of the Battle of Venice had already been passed.

The strength of the pro-Austrian faction in the provisional government continued to expand. Speculators are looking for ways to jump ship, and the pressure on Kossuth is even greater.

"Too many suggestions on a simple idea"[1]

The Provisional Government of the Republic of Hungary also has all kinds of people, which is caused by the special social environment.

Before the revolutionary party developed and expanded, it was inevitably suppressed by the government. Many members of the revolutionary party became wanted criminals by the government. When they ran away, they had to deal with local gangs and social organizations.

Many Hungarian revolutionaries themselves have another identity - members of gang associations. Sophistication applies in any place. With this relationship, these gangs who have contributed a lot also have a place in the provisional government.

If the revolutionary party was strong enough, they could still suppress these people, but not now.

Everyone knew that the Revolutionary Party was dying, and that it was a matter of time before the interim government was over. If we didn't take advantage of the last chance to make a fortune, there would be no chance when the Austrian army came in.


Who else were taking advantage of this sinking ship situation aside from the gangs?

The capitalists are not idle either. If they don't take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate their competitors, are they still worthy of being called black-hearted capitalists?

Buying a murderer to kill is just the most basic operation, but a little high-level operation, using the relationship in the government to frame a counter-revolutionary charge for them, and execute them directly on the spot.

According to subsequent statistics, the Hungarian Republic, the provisional government that existed for less than three months, executed more than 3,000 people on charges of counter-revolution, most of whom were workers who participated in the strike.

In the most extreme cases, when the National Guard enters a house to kill, steal, and pillage the owner, they can first put a counter-revolutionary hat on the owner, and kill the original owner to occupy their property.

[1] The Chinese was a phrase/poetry sentence. I translate it the best I can.