Chapter 100: Death by Popularity

In recent decades, Prussia has been growing and growing, and Austria has long been envied and hated them. At this time, it is their turn to be unlucky, and everyone is naturally happy to see them become a joke.

"Speaking of Prussia, not long ago they asked us for diplomatic support in the name of saving the German state. After being rejected, they spread unfavorable remarks against us everywhere in Germany. At this time, the kingdom of Prussia has almost become a national hero of Germany, while the great Austria has become a black board!" said Metternich, frowning.

After hearing this news, everyone's faces were ugly. Austria was the leader of the German state. From the perspective of nationalism, at this time, Austria should be leading the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein.

However, Austria, the two principalities of Schleswig and Holstein were separated by Prussia in terms of geographical location, and things that did not benefit naturally could not be done.

Now, the Kingdom of Prussia, which claims to be the savior of Germany, is just slapping Austria in the face again.

Historically, Austria was limited to civil strife and did not have the energy to participate in cooperation. Now the internal conflicts are about to subside, and international affairs are also indispensable.

Prime Minister Felix snorted coldly and said: "Humph! The Prussians are so presumptuous, we must give them a little taste of discipline!"

Metternich shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's not that easy. On the issue of Schleswig and Holstein, we can't stop Prussia's actions, otherwise the nationalists in Germany will think that we are national traitors."

With the rise of nationalism, everyone can no longer ignore the influence of public opinion. As the big brother of the German state, Austria must stand behind Prussia at this time. This is fooling public opinion.

Since it was fooled away, naturally don't expect much effort from Austria, and the diplomatic pressure still has to let the Prussians resist themselves.

Franz's face changed suddenly. Historically, Austria was pulled aboard by Prussia, and Prussia and Austria joined forces to resist the international pressure and took back the two principalities of Schleswig and Holstein.

  However, after the operation, Prussia and Austria turned against each other not long after, Austrian worked for Prussia once, and he was beaten half-paralyzed.

Although this happened more than ten years later, the foreshadowing of the war is now being laid.

In this Prussian War, although Prussia did not occupy the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, they gained public opinion in the German region and laid a public foundation for Prussia to unify Germany.

Franz frowned and said, "The Prussians are playing a big chess game, and they have decided for us! Since that's the case, let's see who is better!"

"His Royal Highness, it's not good for us to stand up against Prussia at this time, and now the public opinion in Germany is supporting them!" The Chancellor of the Exchequer Karl advised.

Franz sneered and said: "No, not only can we not oppose the actions of the Prussians, but we must support them with great fanfare. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs publicly supports the two duchies of Schleswig and Holstein to return to the German Confederation. From now on, mobilize our influence to build momentum for this event and let all German people know about our efforts for the territorial integrity of the German region. At the same time, we must advocate the contribution of the Kingdom of Prussia, and issue a diplomatic note to the Kingdom of Prussia, telling them not to be cowardly, and that we will help them when we solve our internal problems "

There are may ways to kill someone in the world, the Kingdom of Prussia now claims to be the savior of Germany, so let them stand a little higher.

Once the stage is set up, could Prussia easily back down if it had the support of Austria and the regional states of Germany?

But if they don't back down, what can they do? The European powers are all on the side of Denmark and are against Austria, this time they are just preparing to act as a man that is all words no action, the actual help given to them will be infinitely zero. The Swedish government has to mobilized the army to defend Denmark, and the Russians have even stationed troops on the Prussian border.

"His Royal Highness, if we support Prussia, there is no way to explain diplomatically to Britain, France and Russia. This will be very unfavorable for our next actions!" Metternich said with a headache.

Franz said indifferently: "Mr. Metternich, it is up to your foreign ministry to find a way to coordinate this issue. Explain to the nations our difficulties. There is a constant rebellion in Austria, and we cannot fail to take into account the feelings of the German nation and assure them of our support for Prussia only in words."

Austria is also a member of the great powers. Such a little diplomatic pressure can still be tolerated. As long as no actual action is taken, it will not affect the Russian-Austrian alliance.

Austrian and Russia has just signed a treaty of friendship, everyone interests are combined, and will not turn against Denmark because of this issue.

Not to mention the British, because of the relationship between the Kingdom of Sardinia, the two countries are at odds. At this time, it is impossible for the London government to continue to deteriorate the Anglo-Austrian relationship. Otherwise, the Russian-Austrian alliance will become tighter.

The remaining small European countries can only condemn two sentences at most. It is impossible to sanction Austria for a few slogans, right? Even if they have the heart, they have no guts?

Prime Minister Felix objected: "His Royal Highness, if it is only verbal support, it is not a big problem. But if the Prussians delay the problem until we suppress the domestic rebellion, will we help or not? If you help them, the strength of the Kingdom of Prussia will be further strengthened. If you don't help, then our prestige in the German region will be greatly lost!"

This is a very real problem. The Prussians may not be able to defeat the Russians, but the Tsarist government did not want to declare war on Prussia during this period, and they could still do it after dragging on the problem for a year and a half.

Franz sneered and said: "It doesn't matter, the Prussians can delay time, and we can delay time, even if the domestic rebellion is suppressed, we can still excuse the instability of the local situation and the inability to send troops.

The biggest deal is to share a military budget with them. If they can successfully bring the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein back to the federation, we will pay for it."

Franz would not be stingy if he could spend a sum of money to completely destroy the relationship between Russia and Prussia.

However, the Prussians are definitely not willing to take this money. They created such a huge commotion, not just to let the two duchies of Schleswig and Holstein return to the German Confederation.

If the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein could not be annexed, wouldn't they have fought this war in vain?

Even with the addition of two new members to the German Federal Parliament, the power of the state was further enhanced, and the road to German unification became even more distant.