Chapter 105: The End of a Rebellion

Howell, a conservative aristocrat, asked angrily: "Kossuth, your explanation is not convincing, and similar things have not happened just once or twice. Why don't you control the National Guard you command? Count István and you are political enemies, and he also opposes the independence of Hungary, but we cannot deny his greatness because of this, and you should not brutally kill him because of personal grudges."

Bem immediately retorted: "No, you are playing with fire and talking nonsense. How could Mr. Kossuth be a murderer!"

Shemir sneered: "General Bem, now Mr. Kossuth is the head of government and the supreme commander of the National Guard. He has repeatedly obstructed the Ministry of War to clean up military discipline. Now that this kind of thing happened, shouldn't he give us at the very least a reasonable explanation?"

The National Guard has developed to the present and has become completely degenerate. Corruptions and others crimes have occurred from time to time, and the internal management is chaotic. Kossuth, the supreme leader, is to blame.

As for obstructing the Army Department's rectification of military discipline, it is a struggle for rights. The Revolutionary Party does not want to see the Army Department take the opportunity to penetrate into the National Guard.

But now, this has become the best excuse to attack them. Regardless of whether Count István's death has anything to do with Kossuth, he must be held responsible for it.

Sándor Petőfi thought for a while and said: "The most important thing now is to catch the murderer. The missing company commander is the key figure in this incident. It is irresponsible to characterize this incident before he is caught!"

When he said this, there was a deep worry in his eyes. There is no other way, Kossuth's integrity is pretty doubtful, who knows if this has anything to do with him?

Army Minister Gregory sneered: "But at the first moment of the incident, the National Guard stopped the police from catching the murderer. In this matter, Mr. Kossuth must be responsible for condoning the arbitrary actions of the National Guard, allowing them to be independent of the judiciary, not bound by the law, and can act privately. These are the main factors that caused this tragedy. Before finding out the truth of the matter, it is necessary for the parties to avoid suspicion. I propose to suspend Kossuth, Bem, and the others from their positions in the National Guard! "

Gregory solved this in the most straightforward way, and directly charged the National Guard for letting the murderer go, and took the opportunity to bring the National Guard into the command of the Ministry of War.

This will hurt Kossuth's supporters, but they couldn't find a reason to refute it. It can't be said that they are all gentlemen and will not hinder the investigation, right?

Kossuth, who was cornered, said helplessly, "Okay, I'll resign!"

This is a no-brainer choice. The opposition within the government all attacked, and even his younger brother chose to remain silent at this time. He has already been betrayed by his relatives and only had this one option left.


An amazing coincidence happened in history. Under internal and external pressure, Kossuth was ousted from power, but this time it was more embarrassing than history.

After the opposition headed by Shemir came to power, the first thing they did was not to investigate the case but to organize an immediate breakthrough.

Their approach did not arouse anyone's suspicion. After all, Budapest was sitting in a troubled city, and if they continued to defend, they would have to wait for death.

Outside the city, the headquarters of the Austrian army.

"Commander, there is the news from the city, the enemy is preparing to break through, this is their battle plan!" the combat staff said.

After receiving the information, Lieutenant General Julius smiled. The Hungarian republican government had a power change at this time, and the surrendered faction took control of the regime.

Betraying teammates is also a skilled trait. Directly announcing surrender will definitely not work. Revolutionaries who have no way out would never agree.

However, the National Guard is a group of rabble, and the defending city still has some fighting power. Taking the initiative to attack is to send people off.

In the name of breaking out of the siege, letting them go to death can also achieve the goal.


On June 12, 1848, the Hungarian National Guard in Budapest launched a breakout operation and was completely suppressed by the well-prepared Austrian troops.

After the failure to break through the siege, the Austrian army directly pushed their way into the city, and the Hungarian republican government, led by Shemir, surrendered to the Austrian army.

The revolutionaries who were unwilling to fail, under the command of General Bem, fought stubbornly in the southern corner of the city, and after two days of resistance, the entire army was annihilated.

As of June 15, the Hungarian rebellion, which lasted for more than two months, came to an end in Budapest.

The war is over, but the aftermath of the war has just begun. Budapest suffered a devastating blow in this rebellion. One-third of the buildings in the city was reduced to ruins, and the economic losses were even more incalculable.

After regaining Budapest, Lieutenant General Julius had not had time to celebrate and had a headache again.

Seeing the huge prisoners in his hands hurt him, a massacre was impossible. There are 150,000 people including their families. How can they kill them?

Let them go? That is without the question not possible. For the long-term stability of Hungary, these hidden dangers must also be eliminated.

"Commander, why don't you kill them off in the name of the plague..." suggested a young officer who hated the revolutionaries

Julius shook his head and said, "No, now there are so many media watching, we have brought out the top leaders of the Revolutionary Party for the people to judge, which would arouse many people's doubts.

If you fabricate a plague, it will not be easy to get rid of the story. Plagues are a bit uncontrollable, and if it spreads, we won't have time to cry!"

Governor Josip Jelačić suggested: "Actually, there is no need to kill them all. It is enough to clean up the stubborn ones, and the rest will all be sentenced to ten years or twenty years, and they should serve hard labor to atone for their crimes...

It is said that the Vienna Rebellion did just that, and we can follow suit. As long as these people are not released, the threat caused by them is within the controllable range!"

Lieutenant General Julius thought for a while and finally ordered: "All military officers, government officials, members who have joined the revolutionary party, and intellectuals will be given an excuse to be executed. If they can't find an excuse, they can fabricate crimes and let the court sentence them to death. It is impossible to let the angry refugees beat them to death, or let them die of illness or commit suicide in fear of crime, and the rest are sentenced to hard labor."

After listening to Lieutenant General Julius's order, everyone's faces changed dramatically, which means that in the near future, tens of thousands of people will be killed.

But no one objected, which is what the Vienna government meant. Except for the smart people who fell to the Austrian government in time, the rest must be purged.

The leaders of the revolutionary party have all been killed by "starting a rebellion", including the head of state Kossuth, who started the rebellion.

In order to win the hearts of the people, Julius also held a funeral for Count István, and by the way gave a conclusion: Count István was the leader of the Hungarian royalists, because he refused to join forces with the revolutionaries, and was cruelly punished by Kossuth.

Count István was the leader of the Hungarian Pragmatic faction. Although he was a member of the Royalists, he was also a Hungarian.

It laid the foundation for the establishment of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, including the promotion of the Hungarian language and writing, the development of Hungarian culture, and so on. His efforts are inseparable from the fact that Hungary can be reunited after being divided in history.

This kind of political concept that runs counter to the Austrian government is obviously not allowed to exist, including Count István, many big figures in Hungary have met God together.