Announcement - Read if you want

First, um... honestly was not expecting people to follow this book. I honestly translated this for myself because I wanted to read it in English. For those who knows 2 languages+ you will understand that reading the same texts in different languages brings about this different vibe. Hence my own translation of this novel.

Initially I translated most of it with Google translate than going back word for word to make sure it is translated correctly. I literally have a notepad next to the chapter to make sure the names, currency, place, is correct. But now I got an upgrade. I have purchased the monthly subscription of Chat GPT-4 (20$ a month btw) and damn does it translate good. It translates better than I can translate it myself and it understands how to translate names, ancient(1800-1900s areas) areas/locations, and even poems (which I struggle to translate into English). I am now back once again translating (I got impatient and decide to read ahead in Chinese, 2 times no less. It is pretty good)

There is no stable chapter release because this is not a "official" translation and we all know most Webnovel translations are anything but official. Webnovel does zero quality checks.

For those who have read this far. Congratulations. I am currently focused on this novel. After I finish, I will likely take a break (assuming I finish the novel-translation or get bored[get impatient again and go read it the 3rd time]) I will move onto my other translation works. If you have any suggestions of books that was translated badly. Put it in the comment section, if I enjoy the read, I'll pick it up and do a "better" translation.