
Several hundred meters above the ground, A Few Hours Prior

The sun was high that day and the horizon was particularly blinding, but it lit up Hugo's heart.

The blinding light seemed like it was there to promise his imminent reunion with the love of his life.

The deafening thuds of the helicopter blades echoed in their ears, but it synced with his rapidly beating heart.

As he did every minute, he looked down on his phone to see how much farther she was.

It was just that… there was no change from a minute ago. He frowned, realizing that there was no bar on the Universal phone.

Hugo growled in annoyance and looked at Yoyo, one of the two henchmen he brought in (not including Jojo and Sid).

"The satellites are all down already?"

The big man looked at his own universal phone. "Apparently so." 

"Damn it!" 

The young Jojo looked at them back and forth and sighed worriedly.