This was something that came from another world after all.

As people couldn't ask Alayna more questions as soon as she closed herself in her small space, Elena became the target and she did her best to explain. As she grew up in a world with this type of technology, she smoothly answered and made it look like she learnt everything from her boss.

Alayna was quite depressed, after two days of receiving her current mission, she had only made around ten spirit stones and this wasn't looking good for her at all.

This mission didn't include the silver or the gold, it was only concentrating on the spirit stones and it was giving her a headache. In order to make herself relax, she posted another job recruitment, and this time she searched for two more people, another lady, and a man.

It took her two days to get the people suitable for the job and she picked mortal beings. She found a young girl around sixteen and who lived in a nearby village.