Alayna was quite busy, especially after opening the Phoenix Garden, everyone really loved the place, it was simply a pity that there weren't many good things to play with otherwise, her garden will be almost like an amusement park.

The specialty of the garden was the photoshoots as people really loved getting their photos taken. Alayna also made a lot of money on the first day that she was grinning from ear to ear, after all, who doesn't like earning more money?

The cooperatives program was also on fire and after hosting that meeting with the groups that registered first, there was an increase in registration and also an increase in those that were taking loans.

Alayna had a lot of money to give out, of course for cultivators, it was a bit difficult as these people had so many ways of evading paying and most of them didn't even need to toil like commoners, so she wasn't giving any loans to them.