Alayna was practically shocked to hear that Getty wanted just 2 gold pieces for the shop, which was actually so little. Of course, she understood the real reason why Getty was doing this but this was too little for a shop like this.

In the end, Alayna gave Getty five gold pieces for the shop making the older lady cry with tears of joy. Alayna received her title deeds and the shop was finally hers but what was she going to do with all of this?

[Congratulations on acquiring a shop before the deadline. The shop will be ready in 24 hours.]

There were no rewards for her but it is okay as the main mission is what is important.

After dealing with the shop, she left as she didn't have anything to do here anymore. With nothing much to do, Alayna began to check out the city, it was simply too big and couldn't be toured in such a short time.