Alayna did her best to teach Nancy for the half day and when the day was done, she told her to wait while she takes out the contract the other was supposed to sign.

"Take it and look through it before signing and bring it tomorrow," Alayna instructed.

"Thank you for this chance, I will not disappoint you," Nancy pledged firmly.

Alayna smiled hearing that, "I will hold you to your word. Remember that if you do any misconduct, your job will be at a risk."

"I wouldn't dare."

Alayna sent Nancy off and stretched her neck, "I am tired!"

She just wanted to rest but before that, she needed a hot meal.

Olinda knew how to lessen her mama's troubles so she began to cook as soon as she entered the house. Alayna was relieved and went to take some rest first while she waited for the food.