[Damn, why can't we go in?]

[We are supposed to wait for the lady boss to arrive first before entering.]

[Yes, let's be patient.]

At this moment, a huge crowd was waiting for the gates to be opened. After not entering the garden for more than a week, they were all curious about the changes that happened.

For this special day, those that were attending were given special bracelets that will work as their gate passes. Those without the bracelets won't be able to enter.

Everyone was entering for free, so there was supposed to be no dissatisfaction with just waiting for a while. Of course, several people came very early and they have been waiting for hours.

It was around nine in the morning when they saw a familiar car approaching the gates. The guards immediately opened the gates and Alayna drove straight in.

The appearance of Alayna made everyone very happy.

[Finally, she is here!]