In a spacious office, a haggard woman could be seen kneeling on the floor while her eyes looked pitifully at the person who was sitting in a comfortable chair in the front.

".... I know that I wronged you back then and that I shouldn't have done what I did but you all know that we live in a world where the strong prey on the weak. Did you expect me to just allow you to use that treasure and probably surpass me in the future?"

"I am also someone with ambitions and I couldn't let anyone trample on that for me even if it includes the person who has been by my side for years. I know that I shouldn't be carrying such air when talking to you like this but please hear me out."

"As you can see right now, I am not living well. As if I was cursed, my life suddenly changed for worse, I am sick, I am dying and yet they can't even find the root of this trouble."