031 Photo For Audia

"Alvan, once asked me to give a photo to Didi." Alvin decided to give the photo today.

"Photo? What photo?" Audia looks confused.

Alvin went to his table, and opened a drawer on his desk, took out a brown envelope the size of A4 paper, and gave it to Audia who was now sitting on the bed.

"Open it. Did Didi remember anything?"

Audia opened the brown envelope, took out a photo of the same size as the envelope.

A photo, which Alvan had requested from Alvin, and entrusted it to be given to Audia. However, to this day, Alvin has only given the photo to Serenity or Audia.

Audia stared at the photo for a long time. Her face looks amazed by the photo of the annular solar eclipse.

The photo that Alvin took was really like a diamond ring. Very beautiful.

"Who took this photo?" Audia fingered the photo in her hand, then turned to look at Alvin.