034 Secret On That Day

Audia and Alvin were already in the car, heading back to their apartment.

Silence was created along the way.

Audia looked gloomy, staring out the window. The image of her past memories returned.

Doctor Herlambang and Alvin did not know about it.


Several years earlier. When Audia and Alvan just met in cyberspace through the chat room site mIRC. Audia and Alvan met on a special photography channel.

The man who has the nickname Endimion often exhibits beautiful and charming photos of several photographic objects—which Audia later found out, they were all shot by Alvin, not Alvan.

Since then, Audia with the nickname Serenity has become familiar with Endimion. Several times Serenity invited ground coffee, to meet face-to-face with the person behind Endimion's nickname. Several times, Endimion refused the invitation, citing his job.