S2 009 Silent Mode On

Sorry, Sir. I have English class, Sir." Audia looked at Alvin with an expression that Alvin wasn't sure what it was. He just let go of Audia's hand.

"Didi, it's okay, right, Honey?" Alvin really wanted to make sure his wife was okay.

Hearing the word 'honey', Audia's heart warmed. It's just that at this time she was angry with her husband.

It's nice to talk to other people, while she is forgotten by standing still holding two thick and heavy books, Audia thought.

After all, why did she have to carry the two big books, anyway? Usually, Alvin brings his own books from the past, every time he teaches.

Alvin is really weird and outrageous. Pranking his pregnant wife, huh?

Audia does not accept!

She immediately left, without answering Alvin's question.