S2 027 Declaration of Love

Alvin took Audia to their room to rest. His first job at the office and coming home late made Alvin feel tired. Closing their night with just a kiss and a short kiss. Then go to sleep until the next morning.

Tuesday, there is no schedule for Alvin to teach at his campus. Leaving early in the morning from Audia to his office. Meanwhile, Audia was picked up by Mr. Asep. Lonely and longing again Audia feels when Alvin is not teaching.

Olivia, the woman Audia guessed crush on Alvin, also looked disappointed, when she found that there was no Mandala in the lecturer's room.

Alvin came home late like yesterday, and Audia stayed faithfully waiting for her husband to come home, then the two of them went to sleep.

Wednesday, passed the same day as the previous day. Audia returned to pick up Mr. Asep. Meanwhile, Alvin leaves in the morning and returns at night.