S2 034 Erika vs Olivia and Nadine

Thirty minutes later they arrived at Audia's parents' house.

"Didi ... you're daydreaming again, hmmm." Alvin's baritone voice interrupted Audia's thoughts.

Audia turned towards the source of the voice. Uh? When did Alvin get out of his car?

"Do you want to be carried, or walk alone, hmm?" Alvin smiled mischievously and teasingly, making Audia blush.

"Ish! Just walk alone. Shame on Didi, if you carry me." Audia got ready to get out of the car.

Before her feet hit the ground, Audia felt her body float. Alvin, without saying anything, already carried her. Audia looked like she wanted to speak up, protesting.

"Alvin's wife can't be tired. It's safer this way," said Alvin, to which Audia immediately responded by hitting his chest lightly.

Ish, if Alvib would carry Audia, why did Alvin give the choice to walk alone? Inner Audia.