S2 038 Alvin VS Brandon Routh

The following Sunday, activities at Audia's house were the same as the previous day.

Alvin who pampers Audia too much. Her older brother, Romi, who always teases her. In fact, her twin brothers occasionally joins in teasing Audia who gets so much special attention from her husbands and their parents.

Arrived on Monday, Alvin had to leave Audia at her parents house. Even though Audia's mother took care of her while Alvin was working, it seemed that Alvin couldn't bear to let Audia stay in her room.

"Don't forget to take the medicine, okay. Rest. If you need to call Alvin, just call." Alvin's message when leaving Audia who was eating her breakfast in the room.

Starting today, Audia's activities are only in her room. It is impossible to bother the mother, to carry Audia anywhere, as Alvin did.

Meanwhile, Alvin teaches at his campus in the morning, and in the afternoon he goes straight to his office.