S2 044 Nadine's Confession

Olivia woke up when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She immediately got ready to get off the plane. Then walk to the baggage claim area.

Showing the baggage storage proof number to the officer, Olivia then waited for her luggage for a while.

Not long after, two airport officers approached her, and asked to come into the room. Olivia, who didn't have any inkling, then followed the two officers into the inspection room after getting her luggage.

Olivia was asked to sit and wait, she complied, although she was starting to feel restless in her heart.

Before long, two other people came into the room, one woman and one man. The woman sat opposite Olivia, while the man stood behind Olivia.

Olivia felt more and more uncomfortable. Moreover, the woman took out an envelope from her blazer pocket, and handed it to Olivia.

Olivia opened the envelope hastily, and skimmed the contents.

Arrest and detention warrant.