S2 073 Like There Are Butterflies In The Stomach (21+)

"Alvin," Audia called softly, when she saw Alvin in his room, he immediately lay down on his king size bed. His eyes were closed. Makes Audia smile.

Alright, looks like Alvin is still sulking. Pretend to sleep, hmm? But forgot to take off his glasses.

Audia approached their bed. Sitting next to Alvin's body. Her hand reached out to remove Alvin's glasses.

Just now Audia's fingers touched the hilt of Alvin's glasses, which served as a support for the glasses on the ears. Alvin's hand held her fingers. Audia glanced at Alvin's eyes. Still closed.

"Alvin, when you wants to sleep, Alvin takes the glasses off first, so they don't hurt later, or they break," said Audia softly.

Alvin slowly opened his eyes, his hands still holding Audia's fingers. Rubbing it on the back of the hand up to Audia's wrist. Audia is silent. Waiting, what will Alvin do to her. However, nothing.

"Alvin's mad, huh?" she asked quietly.