S3 002 Beautiful woman

Beautiful woman. That's what Alvin saw.

The first woman who can shake his heart, even though her face has been reconstructed, because of an accident that has passed. However, that did not diminish his deep feelings. Alvin loves what's inside Audia, not just the physical appearance.

In the past, Alvin had watched Audia sleeping like this, feeling worried. Worried that when Audia opened her eyes again, his wife would forget about their marriage. And it happened again and again. Every time Audia fell asleep.

That was back then, when Alvin didn't know what happened to Audia–amnesia as a result of the accident that happened to her. Now, they have got through everything, Audia has been declared cured and can remember everything again, bringing with them the secrets of their past that Alvin never expected.

Whether past or present, Audia's beauty has never left Alvin's eyes and heart. To him, Audia always looked beautiful.