S3 005 Not Going Out Today

Yes, I hope this man is a normal man. Inner Audia. Audia invited him in and to sit waiting for Alvin who was getting ready in his room.

Black formal suit and white shirt, tie. Alvin looks so charming. Making Audia unable to bear to kiss his cheek. Alvin of course happily received a kiss from his beloved wife before leaving for work.

Audia escorted Alvin to the front door. Alvin then advised that if Audia wanted to leave, she should call the phone number that Alvin will send after arriving at his office while in London. Not forgetting that Alvin also asked Audia to take good care of the womb while Alvin was not around.

Stay Audia alone in the hotel room, at least only during the day until late afternoon or evening, for the next five days.