S3 010 Seeing Stonehenge

The tour continues to another tourist attraction, which is no less interesting, Stonehenge. Along the way, a stretch of green land that is very dear to miss. It's a very amazing sight, for Alvin and Audia who both like interesting photography objects.

Audia couldn't help but mumble or squeal at the sight of something awesome. Like a child who was invited to travel for the first time. So excited. And, indeed this is the first overseas tour for Audia.

Alvin occasionally calmed the pregnant woman who was too happy and excited to go to the ancient rock collection.

"Didi, walk slowly, Dear. Remember our baby." Alvin did not tire of reminding Audia to reduce her walking speed.

It's not that Alvin can't keep up with Audia's steps. It's just that Alvin is worried about the condition of Audia's body with that big belly. Audia seemed to forget that her stomach was carrying a heavy burden.