S3 012 Hold On Honey

Audia waited for Erika to receive her phone call. Until the last ring, Erika still hasn't picked up the phone.

Her best friend is still on her honeymoon. Audia gave up. When she was about to re-insert her cell phone, it rang, showing Alvin's name on the screen.

Audia still ignores Alvin's video calls, time and time again. In fact, until Alvin contacted her via a regular phone call, Audia was still reluctant to receive a call from her husband.

Right now Audia wants to be alone. No matter how long, even if it was the worst, Audia was abandoned by her entourage. Really, Audia doesn't care.

Alvin today really made Audia's beautiful day turn bad.

The woman, who without further ado came suddenly hugged and even kissed Alvin right on the lips. And it happened right in front of her.

How did Alvin react to being silent, not avoiding the blonde woman's action. Maybe surprised. Audia doesn't know.