S3 016 Big Surprise

Two days after the DNA test and it was Alvin and Audia's last day in London.

Alvin already got the results of his DNA test yesterday via email. Alvin then asked Lionel to help take the DNA test results, handed over a copy of the DNA test results to Merry and the original was kept by Alvin.


Towards the evening, Alvin asked Audia to wear the evening dress she had tried on the other day.

Alvin will take Audia to a secret place.

Alvin with his formal suit in the same color as Audia's evening gown–navy blue. Has prepared to leave by driving his own car. Alvin asked Audia to cover her eyes with a cloth during the trip to a secret place.

"Ish, why do Alvin have to close Didi's eyes. Try to ruin Didi's makeup, you know!" Audia protested when Alvin helped her tie a cloth to cover Audia's eyes.