S3 019 Meet Merry and Celine

"Yeah, playboy and asshole." Alvin is really emotional right now. Stop the car.

Alvin can't drive a vehicle in an emotional state, it can endanger the four of them.

"Alvin?" Audia stroked Alvin's arm. Trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry Alvin's brother, Di." Alvin took off his glasses, and massaged the bridge of his nose. Closing eyes. Trying to neutralize the heat in his heart.

"Didi has forgiven Alvan, really." Audia looked at her husband.

"Alvan may be wrong, he has been dishonest with Didi about who Alvan really is. Also, Alvan's relationship with Merry."

"But, Didi tries to look on the bright side. Because of Alvan, we can get to know each other and meet, even get married." Audia smiled sweetly. So sweet.

Alvin pulled Audia's head, kissed her lips, holding her neck. Alvin needs an antidote to his heartburn.

"Thank you, Didi, for forgiving Alvan." Alvin looked into Audia's eyes. There is sincerity there.