S3 024 Who Else Knows About This

Audia tried to smile. Her hands trembled as she handed the sealed envelope to Sriwedari.

Audia then sat on her bed, waiting for Sriwedari to finish reading the letter Alvin had left her.

Silence for a few moments.

Audia noticed the change in the look on her mother-in-law's face. What was initially normal, turned into a frown, so serious.

Until her face looks sad. Sriwedari covered her mouth with one hand. She brought the letter from Alvin close to her chest, closing her eyes. As if she was calming something in her heart.

Audia bit her lower lip. Something in her heart also trembled, when she saw tears falling down Sriwedari's cheeks.

"Mommy can see the results of the DNA test." Audia gave a hint, a little hesitant. Because Sriwedari seemed to be silent for a while.

Sriwedari followed Audia's directions, and took out another piece of paper from the envelope and read the row of letters and numbers on the sheet of paper.