S3 027 Family Honor

Alvin and Prima are still involved in a long and increasingly fierce debate in the family room which usually feels warm. Now it's hot.

Sriwedari tried to intervene. She didn't want the two men she loved to argue like that. Moreover, her daughter-in-law saw their debate, sometimes Audia's name was mentioned by Alvin.

Sriwedari did not know with their servants whether they could hear or not the father and son quarreling from the kitchen and backyard.

Prima who continues to force Alvin to marry Merry, so that the Hutomo family's good name is not tarnished–because they have children outside of marriage.

While Alvin insisted on his stance, he did not want to marry Merry, whatever the reason. Although Prima repeatedly said for the sake of their family's good name. Alvin felt that he had sacrificed enough for his late twin brother. Now he wants to pick up his own happiness.