S3 035 Shopping Time 2

Audia followed Mr. Asep, with curiosity in her heart. Where should the Hutomo family driver take her?

Audia's curiosity was cured when she saw a middle-aged woman, who still looked fit, sitting on a bench in front of a baby clothing store.

Well, right! That's right, Audia guessed. Her mother-in-law must want to accompany Audia to shop for the needs of her prospective grandchildren. Because to this day, Audia and Alvin have not prepared the clothes or baby equipment needed for new mothers.

The first child, the first grandchild–if you don't take into account Celine's presence, always make the mother-to-be and the grandmother-to-be excited to prepare their baby's equipment and clothes, before a tiny creature that is a gift from God appears in their midst.

The surprise that awaits Audia, up ahead, which is only a few hundred meters away, is not just one. But two.