S3 037 Continue Shopping Time

Audia chuckled and answered before leaving the two delightful pregnant women. "My husband has twins, Ma'am. My brothers is also a twin."

The two pregnant women were in unison, again saying that Audia was a very lucky woman.

Audia together with Ning and Sriwedari left the baby store and headed for a restaurant which is still on one floor in the largest and most comprehensive mall in Jakarta.

Sriwedari seemed to contact Mr. Asep and told him to come eat with them.

Ah, it's true what Winda and Lydia said. Audia is indeed a lucky woman. Having a biological mother who is of course good, and having a mother-in-law who is also kind and considerate to the people she works with.

No wonder Mr. Asep is so loyal. Even following Sriwedari's request not to divulge her secret, before Audia saw for herself what surprise awaited her.