S3 039 Mr Mandala's Wife

"Sorry, Alvin woke Didi. Last night Alvin didn't have time to reply to messages either. Alvin was very busy."

Audia shook her head. "Yeah, it's okay," answered Audia in a hoarse voice typical of someone who just woke up.

"Wake up. Have your morning prayers, Honey."

Audia got up from the bed with a side position. Alvin helped her, of course. Then walk to the bathroom to take ablution, and pray together with Alvin.


Audia and Alvin had breakfast solemnly. Alvin makes breakfast for Audia. Special fried rice with egg.

"So, yesterday was done shopping, huh." Alvin finally started discussing Audia's event yesterday with his mother, Sriwedari and Ning, his mother-in-law.

When he came home at night, around eleven, Alvin was intrigued by the pile of bags in the corner of the room. When opened one of them, there are baby clothes and others.